I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
TikToker Says Her Pit Bull Loves Puppies But Recent Video has People Saying She Looks Uncomfortable, Sparks Debate

TikToker Says Her Pit Bull Loves Puppies But Recent Video has People Saying She Looks Uncomfortable, Sparks Debate

Some say the pushed-back ears and worried eyes are just how pit bulls look, but others say that the dog does not actually like puppies.
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video of baby elephant tumbling down mudslide | thumbnail image of baby elephant on mudslide

Baby Elephant Takes An Adorable Tumble Down Mudslide (Video)

Pure joy in video form
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Duty Calls

Cheezburger Image 9666521856
Via Animal Comedy

I'm Watching You

Cheezburger Image 9666521600
Via Animal Comedy

Lizard Time

Cheezburger Image 9666521344
Via Animal Comedy
Facebook comments about cats being affectionate thumbnail includes a picture of a cat hugging a dog and one Facebook comment 'Organism - Tamra Paulsen-Mosher My cat Milo hugging the doggo super tight during an thunder storm because he knows she's afraid. He'd hug me but he knows I'm okay, so he goes where needed. He's crazy, but he's loving as heck e'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Showing Affection: ICanHas Users Edition

For anyone who thinks cats are not affectionate.
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a woman asks reddit what to do after her mom brings poisonous lilies to her house while she is away | thumbnail includes text saying 'My mom left me a gift that could've killed my cats'

Woman Threatens To Cut Mom off After She Brings A Dangerous Plant Home

Who Knew?
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12 tweets of cats destroying office chairs | thumbnail left and right cat seated on distressed office chair, tweet "ranslated cats @TranslatedCats I'm actually the president of the company."

Twitter Thread: Hooligan Cats Destroying Office Chairs With No Sympathy

Destroyers of office chairs, no shame here
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a slideshow of fascinating doggo photos from Pompei | thumbnail includes  two photos of dogs in pompei

A Delightful Slideshow Of Pompeii Pups & History

History Is So Cool
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a video about a sloth being rescued | thumbnail includes a photo of a sloth getting rescued from a telephone line

Sloth Gets Rescued From A Telephone Line (Video)

Oink Oink
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 imgur thread about what makes platypuses cool | thumbnail includes a picture of a platypus swimming 'Phoebe the Platypus looks all cute because Platypus is all cute. However these back legs have a sneaky feature. The claws produce venom jonjohnjonjohn'

Platypuses Are Excellent And There Are Many Reasons Why (Viral Thread)

Platypuses are cooler than you know.
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story of a stray cat coming back to a family who was nice to him and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grumpy cat sitting on someone's shoulder and a stray cat getting petted

Cat Who's Done With Outdoor Life Comes Back To Couple Who Were Kind To Him And Gets Adopted

Granpruno found his forever home <3
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collection of Karren cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat that fell through a cat tree 'Cat - Well don't just stand there Karen fcking do something @Friend of Bae' and a cat in a car 'Vertebrate - My wife and I are on our way to a wedding in Vermont and we pulled over on the highway to switch drivers and as soon as we got out our cat diesel stepped on the lock button and locked us out 783'

Funniest Cat Memes Our Self-Aware Local Karen Emailed Us This Week

We respect the self-awareness.
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5 funny dog videos | thumbnail image of dog with meat, thumbnail right dog image with full pack bacon

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Rufferific y'all
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photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray dog, before and after adoption

Before And After Adoption Glowups (February 22, 2022)

These pets are living their best lives!
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures of an old man holding a ginger cat 'Do you remember these two rescued from a fire? Here they are now. u/gulfatma'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#174)

Too. much. cuteness.
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