I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
16 screenshots from a subreddit about a story of an abused dog showing signs of trust towards new owner | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of the title of reddit post and part of reddit post 'The depth of dogs' trust blows me away, I never had dogs before these two. The depth of that little dog's trust in me touched me so much I can't explain it. Like, this is a living creature, one who's had a whole life before me that I'll never know about. I suspect abuse, as he and his sister are terrified'

Heartwarming Story Of Abused Dog Showing First Signs Of Trust With New Hooman

Dogs deserve all the love in the world
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5 funny dog videos | thumbnail 3 images of dog side by side "My parents whenever they're asked to describe me"

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Doggo goodness, silly pooches, crazy pups
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cockatoo with plastic arms 'Cockatoo enjoys his new arms! u/Idhanirem'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#179)

Too. much. cuteness.
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Via lolcats
TikToker has the Most Adorable Bath Time Photoshoot for Her Little Duckies

TikToker has the Most Adorable Bath Time Photoshoot for Her Little Duckies

Ducks are already so cute, get them in a tub and take some photos—you've got guaranteed epically adorable footage.
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video of a dog getting really excited over blueberries | thumbnail includes two two pictures of a dog staring intensely at blueberries

Dog Absolutely Loses His Mind Over Some Blueberries (Video)

Holy moly- blueberry?!
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Oh Yes They Do

Cheezburger Image 9673511936
Via lolcats


Cheezburger Image 9673511424
Via lolcats


Cheezburger Image 9673266944
Via lolcats
1 embedded video of a Siberian husky falling asleep in bed with a little human and 9 images of big dogs and little children | thumbnail includes two images of dogs and children, on the left a picture of a baby and a large brown dog in front of a lit Christmas tree and on the right a picture of a small boy in a striped onesie walking a black and white Great Dane

Little Humans and the Big Dogs That Love Them: Total Cuteness Overload

So cute I can't even stand it!
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collection of funny dogs memes and pics | thumbnail includes two dog memes including a dog biting its own tail 'Dog - My puppy finally caught his Stub' and a dog carrying fresh ribs 'Dog - Just want to apologize to any neighbors that are missing a rack of ribs. Our dog escaped and came back an hour later with this.'

Massive Doggo Dumpo Full Of Good And Goofy Boys And Girls: Funny Dog Memes And Pics

Just some silly furballs.
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video of robo dog patrolling ancient ruins | thumbnail image of robotic dog in ruins

Robodog Patrols Ancient Ruins of Pompeii (Video)

Pretty awwsome
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12 photos of weird cats | Thumbnail includes a cat laying on its back, thumbnail includes 'There's nothing but elevator music inside Bubba's head'

12 Weird Cat Behaviors Every Cat Can Relate To

Weird cats are the best
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15 screenshots from a reddit thread about a dog who got a bad hair cut | Thumbnail includes a photo of a dog with a bad haircut 'My poor dog came back from the groomers looking like this'

Doggo Goes To Groomer And Comes Back Looking Like Somebody's Aunty

Mom, call the manager
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viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

Be careful with your furbabies please.
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12 dog tweets thread, dog takes own poop bag to trash | thumbnail blue background tweet text "At the dog park this morning, a woman picked up her dog's poop, tied it, and handed it to her dog. Then THE DOG TOOK THE POOP BAG AND RAN UP THE HILL TO A TRASH CAN. The dog missed the can, so the woman called out “fix it" and THE DOG PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE CAN"

Smart Doggo Throws Away His Own Poop Baggy, Dog-Owning Twitter Users React In Awe: Twitter Thread

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