I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
video of a bunny impatiently waiting to be petted | thumbnail includes a picture of one bunny being brushed by a person and another bunny waiting next to them

Awwdorable Rabbit Impatiently Waiting For His Brushing Turn (Video)

Hop hop hop so excited
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19 screenshots from a Reddit discussion on what dog owners call themselves | Thumbnail includes 'Are you Mom or Dad to your doggy? If I had to wipe your butt after you shit all over yourself ,I'm not just a friend, I'm your Mom now. Yeah, I never thought of my pets as anything but friends or pets. It doesn't bother me nearly as much to hear someone else say it, than when it's directed at me.'

Dog Owners Deliberate Whether They Are Their Dogs Parents Or Best Friends

Who cares what you call me just give me snacks
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twitter thread about a waitress asking a woman if she ever taught her about dinosaur poop | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dr Susannah Lydon ... @susieoftraken So last night we went to eat at a pub, and the young woman serving us said to me "Can I ask you a weird question?". The only answer you can ever give to that question is "Of course..." "Did you come to my school when I was little and show me dinosaur poo?" 1/3 1:50 PM · Apr 9, 2022 - Twitter'

Twitter Thread: Woman Recognizes Old Teacher From Lesson About Fossils And Wholesomeness Ensues

Memorable dino poop.
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21 stories of rescued pets | Thumbnail includes a picture of two dogs and two cats hugging and sleeping 'Have you ever adopted a rescue animal?'

21 Short Stories Of Adopted Animals: A Twitter Thread

Suddenly we have faith in humanity
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22 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left open carry concealed carry, porcuipine and skunk, thumbnail left cat tweet "bimbo genius @littlemotel Most of u know cheddar has medical issues and tears thru his bandages. pet clothes r expensive so I made him a flannel out of an old sleeve 12:04 PM May 12, 2017 141K 517 1 Share this Tweet"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

A delightful treat in the middle of the week
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a jaguar swimming under water and a dog with a scan of its paws in the background

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (22 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat eating 'Hello everyone, help me!! This is a shop cat?????showed up and never left, the plan was to send her to an animal shelter, but now she stole my heart, I feel like she’d feel betrayed if I send her. Is the shop environment safe for her to live in? Or should I find a home for her? u/ArabRahal'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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Nap Nap Nap Nap

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Via lolcats
Woman Becomes Neighborhood Cat Lady and Sparks Wholesome Friendships with the Local Children

Woman Becomes Neighborhood Cat Lady and Sparks Wholesome Friendships with the Local Children

Just your friendly neighborhood Cat Lady here to protect and enrich the lives of the local children.
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Pregnant Goat Who Escaped the Slaughter Truck and was Living Dangerously by a Highway is Triumphantly Rescued

Pregnant Goat Who Escaped the Slaughter Truck and was Living Dangerously by a Highway is Triumphantly Rescued

Now, her and her little daughter goat are living a life they never imagined possible, safely in a sanctuary.
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Adorable Pit Bull Goes Viral for Demanding Nails Filed & Hair Brushed Whenever He Sees His Mom Doing It

Adorable Pit Bull Goes Viral for Demanding Nails Filed & Hair Brushed Whenever He Sees His Mom Doing It

He's a ✨material girl✨.
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video of a baby whale mistaking a boat for another whale and its mom coming to rescue it | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby whale next to a boat and a diver

Baby Whale Mistakes Boat For Mother, She Comes To Rescue Her Baby (Video)

Whales are actually amazing.
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I Go

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Via lolcats

Y'all Don't Make It Any Easier

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Via lolcats

It's Been Tough Lately

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Via lolcats
A video story about a smart goat that piggybacks on a horse to reach food | Thumbnail includes two screenshots from the video with the horse and goat

Brilliant Goat Figured Out A Way To Use A Horse As A Ladder To Reach Food Better (Video)

One step left one step right
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