I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

A hero

ox90 Sponsored paid for this ad spot because I hate ads. Enjoy this pic of a cute turtle instead. Peace.
Via @ wholesome.memeboy / 0x90

good dads

5 y.o. me look how strong am shows mini biceps dad komodo dragon reptile opening mouth in shock
Via @WholesomeMeme
classic and funny german shepherd dog memes - thumbnail includes two images of german shepherds memes | Burglar breaks into house German Shepherd: Parks and Recreations Andy Chris Pratt | WERE WOLVES ONCE, WILD AND FRIENDLESS. THEN REALIZED HAD SOFAS!

Paws And Admire These German Shepherd Memes

Gotta love German Shepherds
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pictures of cats who have lost their legs thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with no front legs standing on its back legs and looking at the camera and another of a kitten with no back legs lying on a carpet

Cats Who May Have Lost Their Legs But Are Still Purrsevering

Showing some love to disabled kitties
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pictures and memes of gangster cats thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a cat laughing then bellow it the same cat with a serious facial expression saying 'no' 'Cat - НАНАНА NO.' and another of a fog holding a cat back 'Cat - Chill Chill he ain't worth it, you on probation son'

Most Intimidating Fluffy Gangster Cats (memes)

Memes and pictures of the baddest of all gangster cats
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best cat tweets of the week thumbnail includes two pictures of the same white cat one with its eyes open one eye green and the other blue and another of the cat lying on a white carpet with its eyes closed 'Cat - leslie @fuslie sorry I haven't been streaming!!! I GOT A KITTY NAMED SOCK who has two different colored eyes and looks like a grumpy grandpa I AM IN LOVE!!! 7:30 AM Sep 20, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 456 Retweets 41 Quote Tweets 12.7K Likes'

Weekly Paw-dorable Cat Tweets

The best cat tweets of this week
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of cute kitten at the shelter begging to be chosen "came for a dog and left with him"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (23 Images + 4 Vids)

Adopt, don't shop
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mailman documents all the animals he encounters at his job with a selfie - thumbnail includes two images both of mailman with animals and smiling

Animal-Loving Mailman Documents Daily Interactions With Animals

This is too cute
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original cat memes by i can has cheezburger users lolcats - thumbnail of cat claiming to have never seen the peacock pee once

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #162

ICH users original cat memes
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when you wake up and try to read text messages zoom in closeup on a cat's face squinting
Via puppy-kittens
adorable baby flamingos learning to walk - thumbnail of two baby flamingos

Aww-dorable Fluffy Baby Flamingos Can't Stay Still (Video)

So small and fluffy
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it hurts

me:walks on my dog's paw him 1 second later me for the next 2 hours: happy dog vs crying man
Via @theMemesBot


I see the problem. Your guitar is out of tuna. cute little kitten poking its head out from a guitar funny pun out of tune
Via @WholesomeMeme


EACH YEAR in the united states more than 8000 parrots are convicted of murder bird birb looking up in shock
Via @theMemesBot
twitter thread of dog pictures being compared to emojis | Ayush Gupta @ayushguptaaa Here is something bring smile on face. Dogs are so cute and wholesome Popular emojis as cute dogs thread

Dogs Mimicking Popular Emojis Are Puppylicious

Adorable twitter thread of dogs being compared to emojis
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funny and cute bird memes - thumbnail includes two images on of proud parents and screaming ball of feathers and one of a cute tweets where a bird hands his human a feather | kelsey lewin Follow Okelslewin think this means my bird just asked marry him

Cockatiel Hour: Emusing Birb Memes

20 Chirpful Bird Memes
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