I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
twitter thread of dog pictures being compared to emojis | Ayush Gupta @ayushguptaaa Here is something bring smile on face. Dogs are so cute and wholesome Popular emojis as cute dogs thread

Dogs Mimicking Popular Emojis Are Puppylicious

Adorable twitter thread of dogs being compared to emojis
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funny and cute bird memes - thumbnail includes two images on of proud parents and screaming ball of feathers and one of a cute tweets where a bird hands his human a feather | kelsey lewin Follow Okelslewin think this means my bird just asked marry him

Cockatiel Hour: Emusing Birb Memes

20 Chirpful Bird Memes
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pictures and tweets of cats making perfect circles thumbnail includes two pictures including a white cat against a green background making a perfect circle and another of a ginger cat and kitten hugging and making a perfect circle

Cats Making Purrfect Circles

Pictures of adorable cats turning themselves into fluff balls
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bengal cat appreciation via memes, pics, vids - thumbnail includes two images one of suki cat in rainbow lighting like lisa frank images and one of a bengal kitten inside a book best popup book ever

Bengal Cats Appreciation Pics And Vids (Mini Compilation)

lil house leopards
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cats snaps cat snapchat, funny, lol, aww, cute, adorable, humor, silly, animals, wholesome | rescued Maggie dumpster and return she haunts us trees. silhouette of a cat with glowing eyes on top of a tree | lovely lady cat moved next door My ginger boy likes sing her. two cats on neighbors porches

Cat Snaps Harvest In Full Bloom (18 Cat Snapchats)

Delicious and nutritious
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collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two pictures including a meme of a dog being excited over going on a walk 'Dog - wanna... go for a w-' and a picture of two cars on the road and a person from one car reaching out of it to pt a dog in the other car 'Motor vehicle - Me: hey can I pet your dog Them: maybe this isn't the bes.. Me: hey thanks'

Doggoliciously Mighty Dog Memes (22 memes)

This week's dose of dog memes
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story of a blind golden retriever dog getting a new puppy friend who helps guide him through life thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and a puppy hanging out on some grass together and another of a dog and a puppy who have their tongues out together on a tree stump

Blind Dog Gets New Puppy Friend Helping Guide Him Through Life

Adorable blind dog gets help from a puppy
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So incredibly true

No MATTER HOW TALENTED, RICH OR INTELLIGENT ARE how you treat animals tells me all i need to know picture of a dog being petted
Via aussiecarnt
video of adorable little munchkin who wont stop meowing video - thumbnail of meowing munchkin kitten

Adorable Talkative Munchkin Cat (Video)

So smol and so cute
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I want a sip

tweet by rico @dumbricardo she a glass of milk white cat sitting inside a cup looking like liquid
Via @dumbricardo

The spy

THERE'S A SPY US three black and white cats sitting around a small fire with a small dog with a similar coloring blending in among them
Via zeldawallpapers

From purrfect to purrfect

before and after glow up transformation growing up kitten lying on a window sill and the same cat but older still in the same position
Via @the.animal_world
pictures of chipmunks with full cheeks thumbnail includes two pictures of chipmunks with full chubby cheeks eating sunflowers 'Squirrel - Harry Foster @harry_fosters Harry look, I can't fit another sunflower seed in my cheeks. O #chipmunk #sunflower Charryfoster >'

Chipmunks With Stuffed Cheeks

Pictures of adorable chipmunks with their cheeks stuffed
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pictures of animals taking selfies thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat reaching out as if it's taking a self with two dogs behind it and another of a white dog on the floor reaching up as is it's taking a selfie

Say Cheez: Animals Taking Selfies

36 pictures of adorable animals taking selfies
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collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a seal holding a seal plushy and another of a cow in a bathtub

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)

Some pictures really can't be summed up with mere words...
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tika the italian greyhound and her colorful wardrobe - thumbnail features two images of tika rocking stylish outfits | Raise hand if Italian Greyhound has better wardrobe pink onesie red hat polka dots

Animals Of Instagram Spotlight Of The Week: Tika The Iggy

Such fashion
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