I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
video of a stoat kit bouncing on a trampoline - thumbnail image of stoat kit on trampoline

Stoat Kit Has A Blast Bouncing On Trampoline (Video)

Adorable and hilarious
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I WAS listening

9 yo me after giving the teacher the correct answer after she thought I wasn't paying attention adorable baby goat looking snooty proud
Via dankmemeuniversity

thank you

You found a dead mouse in your shoe? No need to thank me. cat looking proud of itself
Via all-cats-are-beautiful-acab

oh! were you talking to me?

me looking at myself in the video chat not hearing a word anyones saying koala squinting
Via dankmemeuniversity
adorable and relatable comics of being a pet owner and living with a pug - thumbnail of gemma looking at mochi while he's asleep and him waking up to stare back at her, with love

Artist's Wholesome Comics About Life With Her Pug

Too cute and so relatable
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cat memes, tweets, comics and more - thumbnail of tiny white kitten screaming ontop of an orange "look at his absolute baby i found at work the other day - she absorbed the secrets of the orange and can not handle what she learned. Weakling."

Mid-Week Kitty Litter Which Requires Clearing

Memes, comics, pics, tweets
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pictures of tiny finger monkeys thumbnail includes two pictures including a finger monkey holding onto someone's finger and another of a finger monkey curled up in someone's hand

Finger Monkeys Being Their Small And Cute Selves (Photos)

The tiniest most adorable monkeys in the world
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pics and videos of thor the flying cat - thumbnail includes two images one of a still photo of thor the flying cat and one is an action shot

Animals Of Instagram Spotlight Of The Week: Thor, The Flying Cat

Superhero cat in action
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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs, and mourning and loss - thumbnail of a cat glow up "why does this have to happen so quickly?!?"

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Glow Ups, Mourning And Loss

Cats, cats, and even more cats.
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collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a pink bird standing on a pink peach and another of a fox laying its head on another fox

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (24 images)

Pictures that have worlds of stories within them
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story of a pelican couple who tried to have a baby for years and now have a baby pelican - thumbnail of two pelicans in love and happy

After Six Years Of Trying, Pelican Couple Welcomes Baby

And they're so excited!
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She comes here everyday to give him a kiss and then leaves white cat approaching a dog looking out of a gate and standing on its hind legs to give it a kiss
Via @WholesomeMeme
video of a golden retriever and cat cuddling - thumbnail of golden retriever and cat cuddling

Golden Retriever And Cat Cuddling Together (Video)

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No one: Cats when they love somebody: two cute cats bonking heads together lovingly
Via @WholesomeMeme

The laundry is alive and it is angry

theraptorcage Eurasian Eagle Owl chicks hearthawk The laundry is alive and it is angry. petitequeen omfg maliceincorporated This is why you clean the lint tray regularly
Via daily-owls.tumblr.com

Some excellent points

Reasons to not hurt a jumping spider: no spooky webs solitary so no spider gangs assassinates bad bugs is a good boy lil zebra stripes
Via LuthienTinuviel93