I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting next to a mini Christmas tree and another of a dog sitting next to a pee puddle in the shape of a heart

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (23 images)

Words are simply not enough.
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collection of the most positive animal news stories of 2020 thumbnail includes a smiling man surrounded by dogs and a roaring baby mountain lion | To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't all bad.

Forty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of 2020

To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't ALL bad.
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Very true

There are no decorations you can put on this tree that I can't get to | funny black cat with glowing eyes looking out of a Christmas tree
Via kenbaker
Animation of a cat fighting a Christmas tree thumbnail includes a frame from the animation with the cat looking up at the tree and screaming

Cats Versus Christmas Tree

Christmas special animation!!
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I'm Sensing Some Fowl Play

cute pic of a person Disney World actor in a Donald Duck costume walking behind a real duck and her ducklings | imposter
Via C4rootbeer


want a treat doggo are you a good boy? DO I WANT A TREAT? ask a stupid question | pic of a very excited cute husky dog
Via Chris10a


o no ya don't i don't want you to score i'm rooting for the other team | funny pic of a cat pawing at a tv screen while it's showing a basketball game
Via TrippingKitty
story of a rescue adoption - thumbnail of two panels, one of a woman holding a chart and another of a cute dog missing an ear "when i started working here... you were already here."

Newest Jenny Jinya Tale About Rescue Adoption (Comic)

Always delivering the feels
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collection of funny and wholesome dog tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - Ashley Morris @Ashleymorris_xo 000 No I can't, my sister thought she found a lost dog today so she rang the phone number on his collar and the owner was like yeah your outside my house 11:34 PM Dec 14, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone 15.6K Retweets 1.8K Quote Tweets 373.3K Likes'

Funny And Wholesome Dog Tweets For A Pawsitive Day

Doggo tweets for the soul.
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pics and vids of the cutest animals of the week -  thumbnail of cute cat in front of christmas tree "Rosie looking all cute right after she got caught unwrapping all the gifts under the tree."

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#114)

So much cuteness
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viral imgur thread about an adopted kitten named Pepperoni thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten lying on a table and a kitten sleeping on shoes ''My little girl, Pepperoni anzinipanini'

Feisty Adopted Kitten Loves Going To Work With Her Human (Viral Thread)

Meet Pepperoni!
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the top 100 animal memes of the year 2020 - thumbnail of cat looking outside "nastasha, where are you going?" and a dog looking at a monitor screen of sheep "when you're not considered an essential employee and are forced to work from home"

2020 Wrap Up: Best Animal Memes Of The Year (100 Memes)

Best of the best
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the 12th entry of meowmoirs diary of a cat about a cat's first Christmas thumbnail includes a pictures of a cat playing with a Christmas tree as well as the name of the entry and a quote from it 'Organism - Meowmoirs: It's Christmas Time December 22, 2020 "Sparkly. Shiny. A star. Brightly lit and calling my name. I was hypnotized." HEEZ BURGER'

Meowmoirs: It's Christmas Time (December 22, 2020)

A Christmas Special!
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story about a circus bear getting rescued and brought into sanctuary thumbnail includes two pictures including a bear in a cage and a bear with apples

Circus Bear Living In Terrible Conditions Rescued And Brought To Sanctuary

Time to start a new - happy life.
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Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-laaaah!

funny chaotic pic of a white cat screaming singing next to a tipped over Christmas tree | Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-laaaah!
Via MissKittyD
viral video of a tiny kitten meowing thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey kitten including one where its meowing and another where its doing a blep

Sixteen-Day-Old Kitten Tries To Meow And Doesn't Succeed (Viral Video)

So small but so ferocious!
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