I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
uplifting pure and wholesome dog snapchats - thumbnail of two dog snaps one of a dog drinking water out of a bowl with a stick in it "adds flavor.." and a dog in a bath looking like a polar bear

Doggo Snaps Deliver The Light On Gloomy Days

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pictures of bat-eared foxes thumbnail includes two pictures including one of three baby bat-eared foxes hanging out together and another of two baby bat-eared foxes on top of each other

Bat-Eared Foxes: A Mix Of Everything That Is Cute

So. Insanely. Cute.
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tumblr thread about the Black Footed cat thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a very small cat 'Carnivore - geekwithsandwich Follow OK but you can't mention my all-time favorite cat without also mentioning that these little for being 1000% ready to throw down with | anyone at any time, they've literally been seen trying to fight a giraffe and are known kers are legendary to successfully bring down sheep by getting underneath them and ripping their bellies open like what libertarirynn S'

Tumblr Thread: One Of The Smallest But Fiercest Kittens

Smol fluffy murdermuffin.
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cat tweets on why you should get a cat - thumbnail of a cat and iced coffee on the table and cat playing with iced coffee and the ice coffee spilled on the table without the cat present

Impurrant Reasons Why You Should Get A Cat (Tweets)

Fresh kitty goodness
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viral imgure thread of a sick dog getting rescued and adopted by a NASA pilot thumbnail includes two pictures including a malnourished dog on the ground and another of a happy dog on grass '"While super sweet, Dobby was not in great shape when we first met her. She was malnourished and had a pretty bad case of mange."  -kdoremus105'

Journey Of Malnourished And Sick Dog Getting Rescued By NASA Pilot

An incredible story with the happiest ending.
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the highlight of my day was my teacher bringing his cat to school, and everytime he asked the class a question his cat would meow and he would accept it as an answer | man in a tie cradling a cat
Via @WholesomeMeme
video of a fawn visiting a woman every day and becoming friends with her dog thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and fawn standing next to each other and a dog cuddling a woman

Affectionate Fawn Visits Lady Every Morning And Becomes BFFs With Dog (Video)

The most wholesome friendship.
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Story in 3 images

three pics that tell a story - a cat rolling a watermelon out of the water, a cat eating watermelon, and a large round cat looking as if it swallowed a watermelon
Via @catmemes.jpeg

Ruh oh!

When your mom calls you by your full name @chaos.reigns_ Puglas! | pug dog looking alarmed
Via @chaos.reign

...thank you?

i peed in the vent in bathroom so that every time the heat kicks on the whole house smells like my pee you're welcome | black cat wearing a sign around its neck
Via Dump A Day
art creates incredible mushroom dragons - thumbnail of two mushroom dragons | Shiitake Fig.3 (Lentinula edodes MushroomSmaugust Coliandre | Bolet Fig.1 (boletus depilatus MushroomSmaugust Coliandre

Artist Creates Imaginative And Incredible Mushroom Dragons

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the fifteenth entry of meowmoirs diary of a cat thumbnail includes a picture of a cat headbutting a dog the title of the entry and a quote from it 'Dog breed - Meowmoirs: A Dog January 8, 2021 "No manners, no grace. He decides whether something is worth eating... by eating it." CHEE BURGER'

Meowmoirs: Meeting A Dog (January 8, 2021)

"I've named him Bork."
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this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes one drawing of a time table with cats sleeping at every time slot but the two in the morning slot 'Text - Text - B AM 10 AM 12 PM 2 PM 4 PM 6 PM 8 PM 10 PM Tyler Glaiel @TylerGlaiel cat schedule 12 AM 2 AM 4 AM 6 AM GIF'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (January 8th)

Twitter purrrfection
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viral tweets of people giving their pets uncreative but accurate names thumbnail includes a picture of a small dog on a couch 'Dog breed - SOLO @Sophia_Lor3n Replying to @AlanMassenburg My dog is called T.D which is short for " Tiny Dog". He has a real name but he answers to TD 5:22 PM Jan 4, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 98 Retweets 18 Quote Tweets 5K Likes'

Uncreative But Perfectly Accurate Names Given To Pets (Viral Tweets)

"Hey guys, this is my cat TC." (The Cat)
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week -  thumbnail of happy and sleeping black cat "Picked up a rescue in Alabama, he’s been sleeping on my arm all the way to Florida. He’s so content."

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (23 Images + 7 Vid)

Adopt, don't shop
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ichc original cat memes lolcats - thumbnail of cats in mail slot "warning do not stick fingers in shredder"

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #176

ICH users original cat memes
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