I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


bigger than your average squirrel | bear sitting on a tree
Via Chris10a
Facebook comments showering cats and dogs with love thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Kelly Driscoll I was once sitting in the front porch petting a feral cat that had adopted us, when a stray dog came down the street and started to come into the yard. That cat launched himself off the porch with a demonic growl and tore towards the dog. The dog thought better of his direction and took off. The cat trotted trotted back and resumed getting his pets. I was stunned. 17 Like · Reply M'

Facebook Comments Showering Cats And Dogs With Love (Mostly Cats)

because they totally deserve it.
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bird memes - thumbnail of pigeon pretending to be a duck

Owlsome Bird Memes Delivering Madness And Laughs (20 Bird Memes)

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animal gifs - thumbnail of raccoon asking for treats and a picture of an orangutan holding a tiger cub

Animal Gifs Are The Gifts That Keep On Giving

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tumblr thread about a cat who loves cuddling.

Tumblr Thread: Cat That Adores Cuddles

The cutest cat eveeeeeeer
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This week’s collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking away from an explosion and one tweet 'Cat - もふもふ動画 @tyomateee2 一仕事やり遂げた猫さん Translated from Japanese by Google A cat who has completed a job 4:01 PM Mar 22, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 17.3K Retweets 445 Quote Tweets 159.3K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 26)

Cat twitter purrfection.
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of cute little kitten "Found this little munchkin without a mama, so I'm now his mama"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (22 Images + 1 Video)

Adopt, don't shop
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ichc original cat memes lolcats -  thumbnail includes two images - an image of a cat sleeping "The cat who has a loving human has a whole lot. The human who has a loving cat - has everything!" and an image of a cat sleeping in a classroom "I finished an hour ago. These humans are pathetic."

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #187

ICH users original cat memes
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HUNGRY hungry

I'm hungry, but I'm not HUNGRY hungry | hypo hippopotamus
Via TallGeekyGirl
cow and cat with same coat are best friends - thumbnail of cow and cat being affectionate

Cow And Cat With Same Coat Patterns Are Besties (Video)

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got a snack??

GUYS! WHATCHA UP TO IN HERE? | big polar bear sticking its head in through a window
Via Animal Comedy

sound advice

Never smile at strangers Before you know it the'll want to be friends and share your bag of chips.
Via Chris10a

don't worry

I hope nobody will notice I forgot to shave my legs | funny pic of a husky dog on the beach wearing a bikini and skirt
Via Chris10a
tweets about borzois thumbnail includes one picture of a while long-nosed dog and one tweet 'Dog - soul nate ... @MNateShyamalan [forgetting the name of this dog breed] hello i would like to adopt a plague doctor 4:56 AM - Mar 20, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 4,581 Retweets 195 Quote Tweets 56.5K Likes'

Funny Long-Nosed Borzoi Doggo Appreciation Tweets

They're heaven-scent.
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this week's collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two memes including a dog before and after a bath 'Dog - When you try to keep your optimism after everything goes wrong' and a dog falling off a slide 'Organism - When everything seems to be going your way and then life hits you with a curve @Friend of Bae'

Memes For Doggos Having A Ruff Day

Fresh delicious doggo memes.
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fresh cat snaps - thumbnail of chubby cat "if i sits i fits" and image of boy and cat hugging " I'm not sure who loves who more"

Freshly Grinded Cat Snaps For A Brighter Day

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