I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
pictures of cats defying the laws of physics - thumbnail includes two images one of a cat on a tv and one of a cat sitting really strange

The Laws Of Physics Mean Jack Diddly-Squat To Cats

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collection of weird and funny dog memes thumbnail includes two memes including one of two dogs at the top of the stairs 'Dog - molly conger @socialistdogmom every night, the second i close my computer, they run to the top of the stairs and stare down at me, waiting for me to come up to bed 8:03 PM · 2/2/21 · Twitter for iPhone' and another of a dog watching sheep on a computer screen 'Dog - This is Toby he is now working from home...'

Only The Bestest Of All Best Boys (Dog Memes)

25 fresh doggo memes for all!
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a tumblr thread guide about adopting cats thumbnail includes a picture of a sleeping kitten 'Font - Cat Adoption Guide Adding a new feline friend to your household is a process that can be both exciting and scary, especially for first-time cat owners and even the cats themselves. With so many things to consider, it can feel as though a million things could go wrong. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible!'

Informative Guide To Adopting A Cat (Tumblr Thread)

All the things you need to know.
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fresh cat snaps - thumbnail includes two images - one of a cat in cat bed "Took in a stray last month and I think he's grown quite fond of his new home" and one of a blind cat "I see with my heart too!"

Freshly Cut Cat Snaps For A Wholesomely Great Day

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imgur user shares all the progress photos of animals she fostered in 2020 -  thumbnail dog before and after "Ripple went through hell, some freak poured diesel fuel on her and tried to set her on fire. She had extensive chemical burns and needed to wear t-shirts to protect her skin. She healed up BEAUTIFULLY, and all the fur grew back over the scars! She's now living a fabulous life in Vermont backpacking with her person""

Imgur User Reveals Before And After Pics Of The Foster Animals She Cared For In 2020

Further proof that love can transform all
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the sock

you what? oh lawd, did you say sock? you did to it what aftr your walk? you ate it? my god, but sock is nat food you did it simpli to beter yor mood? i wont tel de human, you tink im a snich? il make sure yor scheme goes widout a hich nat a shceme, right, youre nat that clevr yes, "nevr hurt human", i know, nat ever stil, if you scheme, you know im right heer my coniving skils are truly top tier no, not hurt human, just to have some fun lil scratch, lil hide and das it, we're dan | cute cat dog
Via marielru
simons cat serenades a cat on valentine's day - thumbnail of simons cat approaching a sleeping cat

Simon's Cat New Valentine's Day Special "Perfect Pitch" (Animation)

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To be honest This garbage tastes much better than the food you give me | funny pic of a dog peeking out of a trash can with all the trash spilled outside
Via kenbaker


open the door plz! i've made a mistake i'd never gone outside if i'd known there's been weather open the door | hysterical cat looking through a glass door
Via Chris10a

pls stop

My coworkers keep stealing my butter... | box with a picture of the seagulls from Nemo that go "mine"
Via Kyler_Cheez
viral thread about a dog who likes to pee on tangerines thumbnail includes a picture of a dog next to a tangerine bush '"He loves peeing on the mandarins. Shhhh! Don’t tell my husband! Don’t worry! I washed them, and smelled them. Plus, you don’t eat the skin anyway!" - Demikmj'

Hooligan Doggo That Likes To Pee On Tangerines Goes Viral

he's a cutie
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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs, rescues -  thumbnail of senior cat "Silly old fart adopted as a senior cat in 2009. Humane Society only charged us $40 "because he's old". 12 years later and he still does 4am zoomies. Never change, Toby."

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Seniors And Rescues

Cats, cats, cats
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instagram spotlight of fluffy and sleepy-looking look barnaby - thumbnail includes two images of barnaby the dollface persian

Animals Of Instagram Spotlight Of The Week: Adorably Disheveled Barnaby

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Reddit posts showing how much animals love each other | The other farm cats didn’t super love him but the chickens thought he was alright so he became a chicken

Posts Capturing Animals' Love For Each Other

Love is in the airrrrrrrrr
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collection of pictures worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including a chimpanzee mom holding her baby with her legs and another of two cats mid movement one licking itself and the other fighting it

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (26 images)

When words aren't enough...
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tumblr thread about cats being confused by watching bird videos thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat watching a laptop screen including one where the cat is super surprised 'Rectangle - muckkles Follow i pulled up this video on youtube that was like 8 hours of birds for cats to watch and i sat my cat in front of it and i didnt think shed be interested cuz she never watches tv or anything but she is Hypnotized Cat - she accidentally paused the video 101-1-'

Tumblr Thread: Cats Confused By Bird Videos

How. do. I. catch. the. biiiiiiiiiiiiiird.
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