I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
fresh cat snaps - thumbnail includes two images - one of a cat with a potato "sweet child, why must you steak the potato?" and one of a cat sitting on two chairs "how is that comfortable?"

Breaking Mews: Fresh Cat Snaps Galore

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story about a disabled goldfish getting a handmade tiny life jacket thumbnail includes a picture of a goldfish in a lifejacket

Disabled Goldfish That Can't Swim Is Saved With Hand-Made Life Jacket

It helps keep the fish afloat <3
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small spook

oh my goodness u gave me a spook! no dont u laugh it was only a fluke u may be big but ur not scary ive said it before i just wasn't wary i was peacefully staring and u interrupted my essential daydreaming completely disrupted | cat and dog looking at each other
Via marielru
black cat playing in the snow - thumbnail of cat playing in the snow

Mini House Panther Plays In The Snow (Video)

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mirror mirror

Whose a good boy? I'm a good boy! | cute dog looking in the mirror touching noses with its reflection
Via narykids


HONEY, WHAT DID YOU FEED THE CAT? | big caracal cat wearing a collar
Via AaronRW

Tortie variety pack

TORTIE VARIETY PACK CLASSIC DILUTE TORBIE | different tortoiseshell cat fur pattern coloring
Via AlphaKitteh420
tweets about loving cats who are weirdos thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - charlie @chunkbardey so much of the pleasure of having a cat is getting to watch this creature make decisions that will always be at least partially inscrutable to you. it's such a pleasure, inexhaustibly fascinating because cats can't speak or explain. like why did you go over there 7:10 PM Feb 10, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 9,439 Retweets 322 Quote Tweets 59.2K Likes'

Tweets About Strange Loveable Cat Behaviors

Their weirdos, but they're our weirdos.
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fresh cat memes - thumbnail includes two cat memes one of cat with flowers around its head "may this sunflower cat brighten your day!" and a cat punching another cat "everyone was kung fu fighting that ginger cat was fast as lightning"

Kitty Litter Which Requires Clearing (32 Cat Memes)

Can never have too many cat memes
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tumblr posts about a jerk peacock that scares everyone thumbnail includes two pictures including to peacocks mid-flight and another peacock 'The feral cats, previously unaware that the Death Of The Universe And End Of All Things is currently living as a peacock, ran off at about fifty miles an hour and hid under the barn for the rest of the day. We probably should not have named the Death Of The Universe And The End Of All Things "Goofus," actually.'

Jerk Peacock Runs Around Scaring Everyone (Tumblr Posts)

Such a fancy jerk smh...
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weekly dose collection of amazing and interesting animal nature pictures photos that say more than words | polar bear mama hugging and cuddling her little cub in the snow | perfect camouflage sleeping owl blending into a tree

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (25 images)

When words aren't enough...
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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs, mourning and loss -  thumbnail of cat with two different colors split on his face and his two kittens "Narnia, and his two kids."

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Mourning And Loss

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story about two orphaned otter cubs getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures of two otter cubs held in someone's hands

Two Orphaned Otter Cubs Wandering The Streets Get Rescued

Awwdorable cubs get rescued.
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as i was sayin'

i was trying to explain | cute orange cat tilting its head sideways
Via whoisutility
video about a dog who was in a cage for his whole life getting rescued thumbnail includes a picture of a happy golden retriever

After Spending Whole Life In A Cage, Dog Runs On The Beach (Video)

Finally some freedom and joy!
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See what I put up with? rub my belly i know you want to | funny pic of a playful kitten looking up at a tired looking dog
Via allcatsloved