I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
posts about cats fitting into small spaces thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten in a glass and another of a cat inside of a bowl with holes

If I Fits, I sits: The Feline Adventure Continues

Masters of liquidity.
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tumblr posts about cats' random bursts of energy thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - akoiishi Follow Today my cat came galloping like a demon hellfire horse out of our kitchen, did a Tokyo drift around the rocking chair, ran up the couch, and finally launched herself directly into the center of the blinds in the window. The little shit hid under the couch for 3 hours after she brought the blinds crashing down and terrified herself.'

Funny Tumblr Posts About Cats' Unexpected Bursts Of Energy

crazy furballs smh
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cute cat collection - thumbnail of two cat photos

Kitty Wonderland Is Open (Memes, Gifs, Pics)

Admission is free!
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adorable images of baby puffer fish - thumbnail includes two images of smiling puffer fish

Gallery Of Smiling Adorable Baby Puffer Fish

How are they so cute
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this week's collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two memes including a dog in protective gear 'Dog - recently learned about beekeeping dogs who are trained to sniff out deadly larvae in honey hives and therefore ensures I have safe honey' and another of a confused dog thinking 'Dog - "I'm gonna take the d-o-g for aw-a-l-k" My dog: -b± \b° – 4ac 2 Co 2 COm r 2a (2 conr- 1)(con.r+ 1-0 or COS COS SON JT 2ェk、krZ 2ォk、 keZ'

Doggo Memes Bringing On The Daydreams

Fresh delicious doggo memes for all!!
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fresh cat snaps - thumbnail includes two images - one of vegemite "I left the kitchen for 2 minutes & my cat punctured 100 fang holes in my brand new Vegemite." cat in a chair "Oh, you're back from the bathroom and want your seat back? Should've called seat check!"

Food-Stealing Cats Snaps (16 Cat Snapchats)

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story about two captive-born cheetah brothers getting released into the wild thumbnail includes a picture of a cheetah with a collar licking the forehead of another cheetah

First Ever Captive-Born Cheetah Brothers Successfully Released Into The Wild

An incredible world first.
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sleepy king

so sleepy so tired its hard to be king running and roaring stopped by no ting was hunting a butterfly it was so quick i missed flopping and flying when i hoped it would twist now i daydream about it my new flying friend i dream that i catch it and our friendship never end | cute lion cub sleeping
Via marielru
video of a cat bringing a kitten home and the family adopting it thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a kitten

Cat Brings Stray Kitten Home and Family Adopts Him (Video)

Wholesome through and through.
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SURPRISE I is your new present | cute cat inside a priority mail box
Via wildviolets101


DOES ALMOST NOTHING ALL DAY, LIVES 450 YEARS And you tell me I need to exercise to live longer and healthier. | dometivational poster style tortoise
Via Animal Comedy

tuna first

You can have him back when the tuna's sate and not a minute before. | cat sitting on top of a man lying down to fix something
Via narykids
fresh cat memes - thumbnail includes two images - one of a kitten sleeping on human lap "When you're waiting for your favorite person and you finally see them" and one of a cat trying to get into a room "me trying to get into my cat because some asshole parked too close to me"

Mid-Week Kitty Litter That Requires Clearing

43 Memes, Pics, And Tweets
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happy dog and grumpy cat are best friends - thumbnail of samoyed smiling dog carrying a grumpy cat " i can carry all your grumpiness"

Animals Of Instagram Spotlight Of The Week: Casper And Romeo

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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs - thumbnail of cat outside and cat inside ""It really is true that cats adopt people. This little lady survived a winter outside before trusting us enough to come inside...now she runs the house!""

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues And Glow Ups

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viral imgur thread about seven wolfhound puppies getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures one of seven wolfhound puppies and another of one wolfhound puppy '"Throwback to when I was taking care of 7 wolfhound cross puppers. These little guys were dumped in the bush, emaciated and scared. They all got adopted and are doing well now!" - RareWolf3'

Taking Care Of And Getting 7 Wolfhound Cross Puppies Adopted

She even adopted one of them herself!
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