I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
pictures of cats being affectionate with humans thumbnail includes two pictures including a funny cat lying across a woman's arm and a cat hugging a human from behind

Photos Capturing How Strongly Cats Love Their Humans

And people say cats are cold...
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fresh dog snapchats - thumbnail of husky sitting on igloo and a dog with its face in a mug "coffee please"

Pawisitve Hearty-Farty Doggo Snaps

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tweets about the pink-necked green pigeon thumbnail includes a picture of the pink-necked green pigeon and a tweet 'Font - Rosemary Mosco (Bird And Moon Comics) @RosemaryMosco ... Replying to @RosemaryMosco Is it a pigeon or a dove? The answer is: Yes. Pigeons and doves belong to the scientific family Columbidae. Within that family, English-speaking folks basically name some species "dove" and some "pigeon" at random. Pigeons = doves. There's no real taxonomic difference. 7:13 PM - Mar 9, 2021'

Informative Tweets Discovering The Beauty Of Unique Pigeons

Who'd have thought that pigeons could be so pretty?
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collection of wiener memes thumbnail includes two memes including a wiener on a bus 'Motor vehicle - Security on buses have gotten strict' and another of a wiener under a blanket 'Dog - When you sit and reflect on how many people you manipulated for treats DAAN IEE'

Memes Of Wieners For The Biggest Winners

The only kind of wiener pics we're interested in.
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weeks hottest and newest cat memes - thumbnail includes two images - one of a angry kitten "When you've only slept for 13 hours and someone wake u up" and one of a cat working on a car "Whispers to self: Righty tighty lefty loosy "

Livin' Large And In-Charge With Quality Cat Memes

Happy Days
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what nuts!?

Nuts? What Nuts?!? | funny pics of squirrels with their cheeks full
Via Deva2101
mother cat hides kittens in the house - thumbnail of cat with kittens indoors at night

Mama Cat Secretly Looks After Kittens She Hid In The House (Video)

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Mama if you keep licking my spots they'll all come off just like yours did | cute pic of a tiger tongue bathing her cub baby tiger
Via echeg5


Step on it! There's a nip sale at PetSnark and you know how I get when I run out! | funny pic of a cat strapped to the car seat with a safety belt
Via allcatsloved

you fetch

You go fetch the ball. You're the one who threw it. | dog sitting in the grass
Via SirNottaguy-Imadad
pictures of lambs being carried by donkeys thumbnail includes two pictures of lambs saddled onto a donkey's back

Sleepy Lambs Carried By Donkey In Specially-Tailored Saddles

Donkey nannies for newborn lambs <3
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tweets of a couple conducting an interview for a dog for the position of being their dog thumbnail includes a picture of a man a woman and a dog sitting at a table ''

Couple Conduct Interview An Excited Dog For An Opening As Their Dog (Tweets)

And he gets the position!!!
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tumblr thread about medieval beekeepers thumbnail includes two pictures of medieval beekeepers 'Human body - plaguedoctormemes Follow Also i dont know if you guys have ever seen medieval beekeeper garb, but:'

Tumblr Thread: Cursed But Real Medieval Beekeeper Garb

Informative but mildly terrifying lol.
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of senior cat "My recently adopted senior cat, Grandpa Todd"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (27 Images)

Adopt, don't shop
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This week’s collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a confused cat peeking over a table and one tweet ‘World - queen quen @quenblackwell ... my mom just sent me these pictures of my cat and I- 3:20 AM - Feb 26, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 2,317 Retweets 61 Quote Tweets 55.5K Likes’

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 12)

Cat twitter purrfection.
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story about a seal that was rescued 4 times in 3 different countries thumbnail includes two pictures including a seal coming out of a carrier and a seal near the ocean

Adventurous Seal Rescued 4 Times In 3 Different Countries

Oh Freddie... when will you learn?
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