I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including a deer crossing a race finish line and two fox cubs cuddling

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (25 images)

When words are simply not enough...
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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs - thumbnail of cat chewing grass "My cat, Anakin, finding his first grass patch of the spring. I wish I could get this excited about salad..."

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues And Glow Ups

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so tar this Whole adoption thing is not at all what we were told to expect | two small orange kittens being bathed covered in soap bubbles
Via Chris10a
video of a bunny not wanting its human to stop petting it thumbnail includes two pictures of a human holding a bunny

Bunny Takes Revenge When Human Stops Petting It (Video)

Why would you ever stop petting it???
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no? Sorry, That,word has no meaning to me. | cute cat with big round eyes
Via SirNottaguy-Imadad

don't wanna be greedy

I don't want to be greedy. I'll just have one of each. | cute dog shiba inu looking at a menu
Via Chris10a


flying at grasstop level they'll never catch they'll never catch me on radar | funny pic of a stoat weasel running fast
Via kyoto_kid
thumbnail of askreddit response "Dog 1 is trying to trick dog 2 into following her into the garden so that dog 1 can then storm back indoors to take dog 2's bone she is enjoying. Dog 3 is sitting in the on the couch quietly waiting for this to happen, to be the actual winner of this scheme."

Redditors Reveal The Most Recent Pet Drama Occuring In Their Household

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cats causing mischief - thumbnail of cat sitting on another cat "One enjoys putting his butt on soft things. The other is a soft thing."

Trouble-Making Kitties Spreading Chaos

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cats mid-sneeze - thumbnail includes two images of two cats mid-sneeze

Cats Mid-Sneeze Looking Hilarious And Demonic

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pics and vids of the cutest animals of the week - thumbnail of cat getting huge pupils "target acquired"

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#127)

So much cuteness
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story about a dog that was stranded on a lake getting adopted by her rescuer thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog on a frozen lake and a guy and a dog hugging

Dog Rescued From Frozen Lake Gets Adopted By Rescuer

Jumped into freezing water to save her.
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Well? I'm not here for the entertainment, human FEED ME | black cat sitting on a chair and screaming
Via Chris10a
bird doing his taxes is all of us - thumbnail of bird looking at small laptop "if your grandmother was born on the eastern bank of a river during a full moon while mercury was in retrograde, proceed to form 147-B, Question 38-G"

Alex The Honking Bird Files His Taxes And It's Heckin' Relatable (Video)

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And the fishie I caught was this big! You believe me right mommy? | cute kitten with its paws raised in the air
Via Chillydawg

fitting in

Eggbert, always a loner, a loner, finally found a place where he fit in. | white hamster in an egg carton
Via Fauxpaws