I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
video of a puppy following people home and them taking it with them thumbnail includes a picture of a puppy placing its head on someone's palm

Abandoned Puppy Follows Humans Home And They Take It (Video)

Wholesome happy ending.
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your stapler has an angry | funny pic of a cat biting into carton
Via cybervox

what do you want?

Do I look impressed? | funny pic of an owl with a serious expression
Via acerluxpets


A rowdy game of tackle nutball can quickly morph into a group snuggle when your opponents are this super cute | adorable pic of two squirrels hugging
Via jennybookseller
pictures of jaguarundis thumbnail includes two pictures of jaguarundis

Perpetually Annoyed And Confused Jaguarundis (Pics)

Relatable to us all right now LOL
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unique and beautiful animals - thumbnail of a cat with beautiful eyes and a dog with panda markings

Nature's Best: The Animal Edition

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wholesome memes animals aww cute adorable pics uplifting wholesomeness cuteness animal | My single Mom caring despite all odds Smol Big giving back as much as can My Mommy who Love very much | BE BEST SELF ARE HANDSOME CAN DO TODAY IS NEW DAY! duck looking in mirror covered in post it notes with reaffirming messages

Added Wholesome Boost (23 Animal Memes)

Why not
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pictures of cats inside boxes thumbnail includes two pictures of cats inside of boxes

Cats And Their Eternal Love For Boxes (Pics)

Two seconds after opening the box... cat.
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tumblr thread about a family cursed by a dachshund thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny dachshund 'Rectangle - unpretty Follow inARL i was walking to class and turned a corner and stopped in my tracks because there was a dachshund and i did not know how to respond Rectangle - unpretty Follow it only just occurred to me that this post is way funnier if you know that my dad has had a scar on his face since before i was born, left there by a dachshund attack'

Tumblr Thread: The Dachshund Family Curse

Don't underestimate the dachshund curse.
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story about a rat stealing a cat's GPS tracker and sending the owner on a wild chase thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a cat and a map with lines drawn over it

Rat Steals Cat's GPS Collar, Sends Owner On A Wild Chase

"I thought I was going mad."
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Fresh cat memes -  thumbnail of a cat behind a door "she's trapped" "a prison of her own making"

Midnight Schemes With Caturday Memes

Happy Caturday
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fits = sits

what? It it fits l sits... | grumpy cat sitting in a glass jar
Via gypsycat9
worlds most rare cat the scottish wildcat - thumbnail of adorable scottish wildcat

Scottish Wildcat: The Last King Of Scotland (Video)

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Shakespeare by cat

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. and some don't care Shakespeare as interpreted by cats
Via shriekingviolet

totally innocent

Oh hi there human.. And how was YOUR day? | cat shredding toilet paper
Via icguy34


bigger than your average squirrel | bear sitting on a tree
Via Chris10a