I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
pictures of cats causing chaos thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a cat hanging off a shower curtain while someone is in the shower and another of a cat sitting behind a table with a destroyed puzzle on it

23 Pictures Of Pure Cat Chaos

Chaos, thy name is Cat.
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this week's collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two memes including a dog with a baby dear on its front legs 'Dog - When ur pet falls asleep on u and the fear of disturbing them paralyzes u' and a dog covered in mug with another dog behind it 'Water - When you're comfortable with being yourself around others'

Catching Some Sunbeams With Fresh Dog Memes

Fresh delicious dog memes.
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The epic journey begins.

dog memes animal memes - 9604977664
Via allenjta
video of a fox cub getting lost in a river then getting rescued and reunited with its family thumbnail includes a picture of a freezing fox cub

Rescuing A Tiny Squeaky Fox Cub From River (Video)

With the happiest reunion ending!
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Via Chris10a

Best reason to have a dog.

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Via Chris10a

Get off my lawn!

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Via JimPrice
wholesome posts about dolphins for National Dolphin Day thumbnail includes two pictures of dolphins carrying corals 'Dolphins in Australia have been bringing gifts of coral to shore because they are missing interacting with visitors u/elch3w'

Dolphin Wholesomeness And Appreciation For National Dolphin Day

Happy National Dolphin Day!
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photos of angry wet cats

Wet Cats That Aren't Happy One Bit (11 Photos)

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dogs sleeping in awkward positions

15 Photos of Dogs Sleeping in Funny Positions

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11 pictures of cats loving food

11 Photos of Cats That Love Food More Than Anything Else

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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including a giraffe that has the shadow of a unicorn and an ouroborus cataphractus biting its own tail and making a circle with its body

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (24 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats thumbnail includes a picture of a cat being carried in a soda cardboard box 'Bean likes to be carried around in empty soda cases u/No-Session9530'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad
aww adorable youtube cute doggo lol silly seat funny Video - 2191366

Dog Complains About Owner Sitting In His Spot (Video)

This is where /I/ fart, human, move.
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coming through

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Via Animal Comedy