I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
pictures of animals with babies | thumbnail includes two pictures including a newborn baby with a kitten and a baby lying on a giant dog

15 Darling Photos of Babies With Animals

Only love right from the get go <3
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these dogs went to get a haircut and came back with mullets | thumbnail includes three images of dogs

Doggos Who Went To Get Groomed And Came Back With A Mullet

Pups with style
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viral imgur thread about a cat with double claws | thumbnail includes two pictures one of a cat's double claws and another of a cute kitten 'My cat has double claws Ecothyrus'

Cat With 'Double Claws' Getting Double The Love (Viral Thread)

Gotta love even the ones of us who are a little different <3
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collection of cat Snapchats | thumbnail includes two snaps 'Cat - u/keepitswolsome It started out as a cute pic of my cat on my laptop and then he malfunctioned' and 'Cat - U/youreaspooty He's not the best at grooming.'

Scrumliciously Funny Cat Snaps Fresh Off The Press

Snapchat cat hilarity
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twitter thread about a guy who feeds stray cats running out of food and giving them a fried egg | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat next to a fried egg and one tweet 'Ecoregion - zach silberberg ... @zachsilberberg theres a stray cat who visits my yard and i usually give him a can of tuna but i'm all out so tonight i fried him an egg and i dont think he knows what to do with it'

Twitter Thread: Cats Fascinated Yet Confused By Cooked Egg

Two eggs, three cats, endless hilarious confusion.
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this week's collection of dog memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a dog driving a car 'Car - Sorry haha all the lights are gray' and one tweet 'Font - gym leader khy @KlondikeBrat So this lady came in this morning and walked up the front desk to greet us before gasping loudly and saying "I forgot my dog" She forgot to bring her dog with her To the VET >'

Doggo Memes Of Madness And Hilarity

Some extra dog funnies just for you.
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You get the picture...

Cheezburger Image 9608254208
See all captions Created by Chillydawg
original animation of a cat being stuck in a tree but not needing to be rescued | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat playing a trumpet on a tree while a firefighter is reaching for it

Rescuing Cat From Tree Goes Unexpectedly And Hilariously Wrong (Original Animation)

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Finally finding a forever home <3

cat memes - 9607838976
Via two_kittehs

We're late.

animal memes - 9607839232
Via Animal Comedy

no difference

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Via xyzpdq1
pictures of animal glow ups | thumbnail includes two pictures including a soldier holding a puppy and a soldier holding a huge dog

How It Started Vs How It's Going: Heartwarming Animal Glow Ups

The best kinds of before and after photos <3
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collection of wholesome cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat with its own tent in a campsite 'Green - Took my cat camping this weekend and wanted him to get the full experience' and a cat helping a man fix a lamp 'Gesture - Dad: *doesn't want cat* Family: *gets cat anyway* Dad and cat'

Wholesome Cat Memes For An Additional Dose Of Joy

Only cats and only wholesomeness.
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pictures of wolves being affectionate and goofy | thumbnail includes two pictures including two white wolves touching noses and another of a wolf placing its head on a smiling wolf

Big Bad Wolves Being Their Affectionate Goofball Selves

Just like overgrown puppies.
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Cat Optical Illusions That Might Require A Second Glance| Thumbnail text - 天連解課国0今後の進路と特間m TOW, E AU ARAG

Cat Optical Illusions Which Might Require A Second Glance

Something seems off
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collection of animal memes for the middle of the week | thumbnail includes two memes including a puffin hiding in a hole 'Bird - I think a lot about how puffins live in holes & they look like they're kind of embarrassed about it' and another of a boy showing his phone to a dog 'Dog - and his dad said there were lots of dog training videos on YouTube. So, here he is, showing them to the puppy...'

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Some meme-y deliciousness.
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