Lolcats Newsletter

Sleepy Dance

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Created by ToolBee

Stanley had found out that a compliment to the chef always resulted in more noms..

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See all captions Created by icguy34


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See all captions Created by Zerana

There's your sign.

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See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Sally believes in finders keepers.

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See all captions Created by icguy34

Sir, I am offended!

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See all captions Created by Zerana

Some call it spoiled. I call it content.

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See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

it's ALWAYS sold out

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See all captions Created by shriekingviolet

That's a good question.

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See all captions Created by icguy34

The nice thing is I can create any story I want.

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See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Where’s he hiding?

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Created by hulabug
My cat Guinness loves hiding in my bathtub. I saw him this morning out of the corner of my eye while walking by.

Is that jealousy I see ?

Cheezburger Image 9666497792
See all captions Created by Patblo

Does that mean I failed?

Cheezburger Image 9666498304
See all captions Created by Chris10a

But I'm just fluffy!

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See all captions Created by Chris10a

Why not?

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Created by TrippingKitty

Welkum to da katzpah

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See all captions Created by TrippingKitty