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Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

tumblr posts of dogs being too excited to play evil roles in movies | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - lentilswitheverything Follow In the Lion the Witch and the Wardobe movie (the one with Tilda Swinton, not the BBC one) the wolves all have CGI tails. Because they're actually Malamute or Huskie crosses and wouldn't stop wagging their goddamn tails all the time because they were so excited to be playing with all these nice people on this nice set with their nice handlers just out of s'

Tumblr Thread: Actor Doggos' Wagging Tails Ruining Their 'Evil Dog' Movie Shots

Come on, of course they're too good for evil roles.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - writing-prompt-s Follow Humans have been giving their pets god names for millennia, not knowing that they actually bestow upon them the gods power. But it's divided amongst all pets with the same name, so ultimately quite harmless. This morning, by a quirk of fate, yours is the only cat named Zeus. lesbitomboyish Follow Potential crisis prevented- my cat is already neutered. Source: writing-prompt-s'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Stories

Tumblr animal goodness.
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tumblr thread about why pit bulls are considered dangerous | thumbnail includes a picture of a pit bull and a pit bull puppy and one tumblr post 'Font - vet-and-wild Follow A lot of the pit bull fear is relatively new. I believe there was a TIME or Sports Illustrated article in the 80s/90s that specifically targeted pit bulls as dangerous dogs. GSDS, rotties, dobies, and even bloodhounds have all had their time as the trendy, "dangerous" breed. The dumb thing'

Tumblr Thread: Where The Fear Of Pit Bulls Really Comes From

Pit bulls don't even really make good guard dogs.
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tumblr thread about a man picking up swans and bringing them to safety | thumbnail includes a picture of two boats full of swans and one tumblr post 'Font - This guy's job title is "Schwanenvater", aka "swan father", and his job literally consists of getting swans to safety before the winter chill sets in. How does he do this, you wonder? Easy: he goes up to EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SWAN in the city and sticks them in barges. I'm serious:'

Tumblr Thread: Swan Daddy Bringing All The Swans To Safety

...swan daddy?
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tumblr thread about the two species of the Catopuma | thumbnail includes a picture of a catopuma and one tumblr post 'Organism - silverhawk Follow catopumas are so interesting 2 me bc theres only two species so far in the genus, and its either a very gentle looking asian golden cat'

Tumblr Thread: The Two Very Different Species Of Catopumas

Nothing will prepare you for the second species.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat in Jurassic World and one tumblr post 'Property - happy-cacti so these producers from jurassic park needed a goat for there new movie coming out in 2015 and they happened to drive past my house and see my goats in the pen outside and now my goat named earl is going to be in a movie and is more famous than ill ever be in my entire life. happy-cacti 63NG'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Weird Accomplishments

Tumblr animal goodness.
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tumblr thread about rescuing a kitten that was being attacked by raccoons | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - majoras-skull-kid Follow Not me sitting in a lawn chair with a flashlight and a hockey stick chasing away raccoons from the baby kitten underneath our deck who refuses to come out! Been trying to trap this kitten for 2 days. We were in bed and then I heard a SCREAM so now l'm on the kitten night watch. Chasing away raccoons. I've seen the same one six times now in the last 2.5'

Tumblr Thread: Rescuing A Scared And Sick Feral Kitten From Raccoons

Catching her was difficult, but eventually, she got caught <3
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tumblr thread about giving pets pills in funny ways | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - beaft Follow my cat hates taking his pills. the only way we can get him to eat them is to turn it into an elaborate pantomime - we take the packet out of the cupboard slowly and hold it up, saying "oh!! what's this? what's this? a TREAT? a TREAT for louis????" while making surprised faces. we offer him a pill... then, before he has a chance to sniff it, we wag our fingers at him and replace it'

Tumblr Thread: Tricking Pets Into Taking Pills In Ridiculous Ways

You gotta do whatchu gotta do.
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tumblr posts about animals understanding the word 'no' | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - wow-david Follow My parrot has a vague understanding of the word “no." He knows to stop doing what he's doing when he hears it, and he knows how to say it. He knows it's a word that is used when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. However, being told “no" doesn't make him stop doing it in future. If he's ever out of my sight or if l'm not paying attention, I know exactly when he's doing s'

Animals Understanding The Word 'No' And Not Caring (Tumblr Posts)

Aaand goes right back to it.
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tumblr thread about how cute the Tasmanian Devil is | thumbnail includes a picture of the Tasmanian Devil and a tumblr post 'Plant - synapsid-taxonomy Follow Me: The Tasmanian devil is a voracious predator and should not be engaged with Also me: Heehoo pupper'

Tumblr Thread: The Tasmanian Devil Is Dangerously Petable

Let's be real, we would all pet them anyway.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a curious owl looking at a book of bird pictures 'Bird - Arial lefinitite t hinding Ellen D. Hartimeier YEAH, SHE'S GOOD LOOKING, I GUESS. NOT REALLY MY TYPE. I LIKE A BIGGER WINGSPAN. THERE WE GO. PAGE 236. LOOK AT THE PLUMAGE ON THAT ONE. SWEET JESUS. themaefive I ried to scroll past this. SIBLEY BIRDS'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Hoots

Tumblr animal goodness.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Product - E sandersstudies Follow My husband is playing DnD with some friends and told me to come look at the cat who is sitting in a chair like a person. My husband handed him a d20 and said "sir you have to roll a stealth check to convince the other party members you are a human" and the cat immediately batted the d20 and rolled a 14. The party cheered for him. sandersstudies Follow The final human player joined the table and'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Cuteness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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tumblr thread about animals getting wrapped up in blankets | thumbnail includes a picture of a lizard wrapped up in a blanket and one tumblr post 'Font - vet-and-wild Follow The best restraint tool in vet med is a towel, hands down. Do you know how many things I've restrained with a towel? Angry cat? Burrito it. Scared bunny? Burrito it. Tiny squish faced dog that you cant get a muzzle on? Burrito it. Screaming macaw? Burrito it. Injured wildlife? Burrito it. I burritoed an'

Tumblr Thread: Burrito-ing Animals Is Always The Right Way To Go

Sometimes, taco-ing works as well.
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tumblr thread about Australian birds being jerks | thumbnail includes a tumblr post 'Font - millshouse why has nobody mentioned the fact that in australia there are 3-4 months a year where everybody just accepts that they're going to get attacked by magpies. It is literally called "swooping season" and these birds will fly down to peck your fucking face, and people get their eyes ripped out and shit, it's fucking brutal. sociopathic-italian-grandmas My teacher had to go to hospital and have'

Tumblr Thread: Unbelievable Stories Of Australian Birds Being Jerks

Jerks but still cute.
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a Tumblr thread about how a stray cat learned to meow after being rescued | thumbnail includes text saying 'This post led reminisce on nature cat's meowing, and have funny story/I befriended a feral cat once who had spent her life in the forest without human interaction. I was worried about her because she had a paw damaged from an old injury and was emaciated but obviously nursing kittens that were hidden away somewhere

Tumblr Thread: Awwdorable Rescue Cat Learns To Meow

I Can Has A Meow?
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tumblr thread about friends befriending bees and wasps | tumblr thread includes two tumblr posts 'Font - scotchjolras Follow The bees and wasps now recognise me as the person who gives them water. Which sounds cool but it means everytime I go outside they harass me until I fill up the waterer. On the bright side, I no longer have to fear wasps as they just buzz around me non-threateningly now. theropodtheroblogs Follow You are their water deity now' and 'Font - shedoesnotlivehereanymore'

Tumblr Thead: Stories Of Bees And Wasps Choosing Humans As Their Friends

Unexpectedly wholesome friendships.
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