
22 pictures of cats, text, and cartoon cats | Thumbnail includes one picture of cats and the Simpsons, and one picture of text including 'Our boy needed surgery to remove part of his lower jaw, and now he looks like the cat from The Simpsons'

Heartwarming Hooman Spends Big to Get Their Cute Cat Life-Saving Surgery, Now He Looks Like a Derpy Cartoon Character

Desperate disabled cat rescued serious surgery forever home | thumbnail includes three images first image shows a cat with its front legs bent backwards running under a car ‘to run away’, the second image shows an xray of a cat ‘was shocked’, the third image shows a happy orange cat ‘of love’

Desperate Disabled Cat Gets A Fluffy Fresh Start To Life After A Serious Surgery And Finding Its Forever Home

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Cat'

The Toast Of Shame: 25 Kitties Who Refused The Cone, But Found A Tasty And Adorable Alternative Instead

video of a kitten with a strange lump on its head getting a removal surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with a large lump on its head and a cat with a cone on hooked up to machines

Super Friendly Kitten Born With A Strange Lump On Its Head Gets A Removal Surgery (Video)

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about an injured cat getting rescued from a cave | thumbnail includes two pictures of the cat looking much better

Cat Rescue Community Comes Together To Save Life Of Severely Injured Feline Found Trapped In Cave

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a rescued kitten receiving life-saving surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of the orange tabby kitten recused and post-surgery

Rescued Kitten Found In Box Undergoes Major Surgery To Correct Birth Defect And Expand Her Chest

story about a kitten with a crab eye getting surgery and doing better | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a half-blind kitten with only one eye in their hand and another of a kitten with a crab eye

Tiny Kitten With A Crab Eye Goes Through Surgery And Becomes The Most Majestic One-Eyed Pirate Cat

A Youtube video about a cat named Sebastian who used his wrist as a paw and underwent physical therapy to fix it | Thumbnail includes a picture of a grey kitten stepping on its wrist instead of paw and a picture of the same grey cat wearing a red life vest and swimming in a pool

Kitten Who Used His Wrist As A Paw Goes Through Physical Therapy And Comes Out More Fierce Than Ever (Video)

ICanHasCheezburger original story about a rescued goat getting brain surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a goat no a surgery table

Wild Goat Braves Life-Saving Brain Surgery Only To Come Back Stronger

video of a goose watching and waiting for her mate to get out of surgery | thumbnail includes a picture of a goose being given air and another goose watching through the door

Concerned Goose Waits For Her Injured Mate To Get Out Of Surgery (Video)

viral imgur thread about a cat who was abused by its previous owner getting adopted and going through surgery successfully thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a cast and another of a cat with a cast being hugged '"We weren't sure if his leg was too damaged to repair since the band had been on there for weeks. But his surgery went really well! The surgeon was able to repair his severed Achilles tendon, remove the dead tissue, and piece his leg back together." - thecomfycat'

Abused Cat Gets Adopted And Has Successful Surgery To Fix Broken Leg (Viral Thread)

web comics blue dog dogs doggo surgery aww cute wholesome relatable animals | cartoon drawing READY KNEE OPERATION? WILL HURT? J? VET UH LITTLE

Pawsitively Precious: Artist Draws Comic About His Dog's Knee Surgery

fish surgery

Australian Family Spends Hundreds Of Dollars On Lifesaving Surgery For Their Pet Koi-Fish

goldfish surgery tumor success

Tiniest Surgery Patient Ever, A Goldfish, Successfully Has Tumor Removed

patient toys cute Video surgery - 385799

Concerned Pup Waits Patiently While Her Toy Is Repaired

Is She Gonna Be Okay, Doc?

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