I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


28 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of orange cats, one picture of text including 'She's weird', and one picture of text including 'He believed he was a plant'

A Zesty Scoop of Orange Cat Ice Cream With Silly Shenanigan Sprinkles To Fill Your Day With Summer Fun

No brain cells included in this frosty frozen treat
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20 Sweet Cat Pictures Sprinkle Over Your Ice Cream Cone | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a kitten being held in one hand with its arms and legs spread out and mouth open, the other image shows a black cat smiling with a spoon resting on its head

20 Sweet Cat Pictures To Sprinkle Over Your Ice Cream Cone

Soft and crunchy at the same time…
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Never Saw It Before

animals sprinkles captions cute - 8573538048
Created by BOZMAN54

Doesn't Look Like It Will Let Up Any Time Soon

sprinkles captions funny - 8573183744
Created by furrgetmenot

Anyone Could Have Gotten Into Those Sprinkles

sprinkles captions cute - 8572322816
Created by Sylviag

Could You Say No to That Face?

sprinkles demanding puns donut deer - 6972233216
See all captions Created by worksucks

Can We Has?

excited treats sprinkles running llamas - 6948454656
See all captions Created by sr2264

I Alsew Reed Donut Sew Doan Try To Hornswoggle Me!

sprinkles donut deer angry food name - 6890544384
See all captions Created by violetD


captions Cats ice cream messy sprinkles - 6581116928
See all captions Created by allcatsloved


best of the week cupcake Hall of Fame sprinkles - 5922523648
See all captions Created by emycat

It's My Code Name on the Street

monkey secret sprinkles - 5458904832
Created by cmags34


behavior birds boxes cardboard box comic comics human-like sleeping sprinkles - 4822825472
Via Joey Alison Sayers

Eye of newt,

basement cat bat cake caption captioned cat eye ingredients mix sprinkles wings - 4801366016
See all captions Created by grapegrl
bugs candy insects ladybug playing sprinkles squee Video - 12513025


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cupcake excited jack russel terrier sprinkles - 3422706688
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