
You must be on a quest if you've come to search here. Searching for the search is a arduous task full of danger and glory, and also maybe even a backspace or two. Google provides us with endless fill in the blanks that are truly hysterical and sometimes mildly disturbing. So if you like to see how ridiculous search engines can get, you won't be disappointed.

27 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat including 'Make the comment section look like a cats google search history', one picture of a cat typing, and one picture of text including 'how mice eat mice get mice buy mice credit card fraud to how read number'

25 Hissterical Search History Gems Thanks To The World Whisker Web Straight From Your Cat's Internet Browser

31 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Facs eu nutritive cas Parento Calies 30 Lipides 09 urated/saturés 09 /trans 0 g /Choler 110% 0% ROTS CAROTTES PROOP-on PREUVE DACHASE 3 LB. BUNNY LUV AT-3 LB DE BUNNY LUY Our Mo Notre reli BETTER' and 'Plant'

Searching For Service: 31 Hilariously Funny Felines Foraging For Brain Cells That Are Certified Orange

missing dog found love

Woman Quits Job And Searches 57 Days To Find Her Lost Dog

search people google - 6588677

Here's What People Sniffed Out About Canines On Google In The Past 12 Months

search hilarious lolz twitter wtf random cute funny dogs lol funny cats tweets Cats funny weird google - 6168581

People Are Posting #MyPetsGoogleSearch And It's Perfect

captions Cats dryer Image laundry search warm where - 6492587008

Where all da warmz?

eye field glasses grass help Image search - 6352987136

Dropped contact

dump games garbage hiding Image search searching where - 5843754240

Can You Find the Kitteh in This Picture?

advice caption cat fromTCF get Image instructions lost rescue search support wisdom - 4518355968
