
27 Clever Cats Pawforming Science Experiments Trick Us Into Giving Them More Treats | thumbnail includes one image which shows two cats on a couch one is about to bite the other on the bottom ‘Transferring energy (scientific way)’

27 Clever Cats Pawforming Science Experiments to Trick Us Into Giving Them More Treats

5 TikTok videos of cats and 5 reasons why people don't deserve them | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of a woman laying in bed with a cat and one close up of a cat 'Cats are free physical therapy with whiskers In fact cat owners are 30% less likely to have a stroke Kids that grow up with cats are less likely to develop conditions like asthma or hayfever'

5 Reasons Why We Don't Deserve Cats Backed Up By TikTok Science

video of dolphin in new home | thumbnail image of dolphin underwater

Orphaned Dolphin Gets Second Chance At Life In His New Home (Video)

video of turtles classified as different species | thumbnail image of several large turtles

Turtles Discovered To Be Entirely Different Species Than Originally Thought (Video)

video of seals with headgear doing research japanese | thumbnail image of seal poking out from water with antenna on head

Seals Help Japanese Researchers Collect Arctic Data (Video)

video about inner workings of cocooon | thumbnail animated image of cocoon, green background

Inner Workings Of Caterpillar Cocoons Explained (Video)

video of scientific discovery ghost shark | thumbnail image of ghostly shark

Scientists Find Baby ‘Ghost Shark’ With Striking Ghostly Appearance (Video)

video covering wooly mammoth tusk discovery | thumbnail image of tusk and image of wooly mammoth

Woolly Mammoth Tusk From Ice Age Found in 'Once in a Lifetime' Discovery (Video)

video of biologists helping sea turtles in polluted waters | thumbnail picture of large turtle  being cared for by two men

Biologists Rescue Turtles From Polluted Waters (Video)

story about a goldfish being taught how to drive on land | thumbnail includes two pictures of a goldfish driving a fish tank on land

In Defiance Of The Laws Of Nature, Scientists Teach Goldfish To Drive On Land

16 images and tweets cats in stem | thumbnail left cat using graphing calculator, thumbnail right cat looking in microscope "cats in stem"

Cats In STEM Hard At Work (Twitter Thread)

12 images of fossils | thumbnail left big tray of many different small fossils, thumbnail right large shark tooth fossil

Man Shows Off Awesome Fossil Collection

story of alligator gar found in kansas | thumbnail shows alligator gar underwater

'Living Fossil' Alligator Gar Found For The First Time In A Kansas River

twitter thread about a cat walking into a science lab | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat in a lab and one tweet 'Property - Dr. Jen M ... @AwesomeBiota CAT. THERE IS A CAT IN THE LAB. A CAT. 11:48 PM - Sep 23, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 12.4K Retweets 963 Quote Tweets 151K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Curious Cat Breaks Into Science Lab

video of angelina jolie showing art and necessity of bee keeping | thumbnail left bee hive set up, thumbnail right angelina jolie wearing bee keeper clothing, looking at bees

Angelina Jolie Shows Us The Amazing Art of Beekeeping (Video)

scientific video about ferrets | thumbnail ferret walking through see through structure in nature

Interesting Scientific Facts Behind The Bendiness Of Ferrets (Video)

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