
Every man or woman worth their salt. Amazing to think such a everyday commodity was once a pricey luxury. So whether your salty over your steak or that SO that dumped you on the way side, know you can rub salt in the wounds and make it hit home with these punny and hilarious salt jokes.

story about a sign in that Canadians officials have put up that warns people not to let moose lick salt off their cars thumbnail includes two pictures of a sign standing up in the snow in the first picture it says 'DO NOT LET MOOSE' and in the second it finishes 'LICK YOUR CAR'

Canadian Officials Warn People To Not Let Moose Lick Their Cars

animals goat Music salt - 8449676032

Goat Loaf's Iconic Ballad

salt funny t rex - 7996284160

What a Tyrannical Question!

bar snails salt - 7052688896

Don't Want Any Mistakes Like Last Time

salt captions nom finger bite food Cats hand - 6935060736

Needs more salt.

salt nom Cats captions Image - 6598243072

And/or MSG lick

captions Cats classic classics fish garlic Image salt - 6497942272

Classic LOLcat

dance frog ring salt voting-page - 5961544704

He Requested That The Ring Be Left Unsalted

caption captioned cat fish fromTCF Image needs noms salt - 4555220992


advice always and caption captioned cat fromTCF Hall of Fame Image lesson life salt shot take tequila - 4484295168
