I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


story about the oldest know wild albatross hatching a chick at the age of seventy thumbnail includes a picture of an albatross and its baby chick

World's Oldest Known Wild Bird Gives Birth At 70

The videos are some of the cutest we've seen.
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story about an abandoned pet tiger finding a forever home thumbnail includes two pictures including on of a caged tiger and one of a free tiger

Rescued 'Pet' Tiger Finds Forever Home At Wildlife Sanctuary

Finally, she's chuffing and happy and possibly in love.
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Story about a cat rescued from a fire being given an oxygen mask to breathe thumbnail includes a picture of a firefighter holding an orange cat in his hands with another firefighter pressing an oxygen mask to the cat’s face

Cat Given Oxygen Mask After Being Rescued From Fire

Thank goodness for these firefighters.
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collection of positive animal news stories about animals thumbnail includes two pictures including a yellow penguin and a fish wearing a life jacket

Twenty-Five Most Positive Animal News Stories Of February

Nothing but positivity.
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story about orphaned baby bats being released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including an upside down bat with its tongue out and another of a baby bat covered in a blanket

Three Months After State-Wide Rescue Mission, Orphaned Baby Bat Released

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story about two captive-born cheetah brothers getting released into the wild thumbnail includes a picture of a cheetah with a collar licking the forehead of another cheetah

First Ever Captive-Born Cheetah Brothers Successfully Released Into The Wild

An incredible world first.
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viral tweets about mom helping to rescue over 1000 turtles thumbnail includes a picture of a car full of turtles and one tweet 'Car - Lara ... @lara_hand My mom is retired, & she spends her winters volunteering at a sea turtle rescue center in south Texas. The cold snap is stunning the local turtles & they're doing a lot of rescues. She sent me this photo today of the back of her Subaru. It's *literally* turtles all the way down. 1:39 AM - Feb 16, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 12.4K Retweets 1,661 '

Retired Mom Helps Rescue Over 1000 Turtles (Viral Tweets)

Such incredible work!
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story about two orphaned otter cubs getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures of two otter cubs held in someone's hands

Two Orphaned Otter Cubs Wandering The Streets Get Rescued

Awwdorable cubs get rescued.
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story about a man and a swan who have been friends for the past 37 years after he rescued it thumbnail includes two pictures including a man hugging a swan and an excited swan standing next to a man

Heartwarming 37-Year Friendship Between A Man And The Swan He Rescued

The kind of friendship we could only dream of.
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the final entry of Meowmoirs diary of a cat thumbnail includes a picture of a happy cat being petted 'Cat - Meowmoirs: Time to Say Goodbye Fetbruery 12, 2021 "I find myself feeling nostalgic, remembering the times before all this, before I had a family as loving as this one" ICAN HAS BGER'

Meowmoirs: Time to Say Goodbye (February 12, 2021)

The very final entry of the diary...
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story about wombats saving other animals by letting them drink from their waterholes thumbnail includes two pictures of wombats

Wombats Are Saving Other Animals From The Drought in Australia By Digging Craters

Hero wombats.
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story about a horse and a pony who were stuck in mud for18 hours getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including firefighters rescuing a pony from a hole in the ground and another of a woman next to a rescued horse

Pony And Horse Stuck In Mud For 18 Hours Get Rescued

Team effort with a happy ending!
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story about a pig and a kitten being best friends thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten siting on a pig and a kitten and a pig cuddling

Pig And Kitten Become Inseparable Best Friends

The most wholesome friendship.
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collection of the most positive animal news stories of January thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a blind cat and another of a horse a dog and a pony who all have the same looking spots

Thirty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of January

Nothing but positivity.
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collection of positive dog tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a dog next to a man in a wheelchair and a tweet 'Dog - AJ+ Ej @ajplus ... A dog in Turkey spent days waiting outside a hospital after her sick owner was admitted. The dog had followed the ambulance that transported her owner in Trabzon and refused to leave. Family members took her home, but she would return. The owner was later reunited with his pet. 6:59 PM - Jan 24, 2021 - TweetDeck 459 Retweets 62 Quote Tweets 2.8K Likes'

Pawsitive And Wholesome Doggo Tweets

Nothing but positivity.
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this week's collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two memes including a picture of a dog biting a chair 'Furniture - When my dog wants attention he gently bites a piece of furniture, holds perfectly still, and makes aggressive eye contact. It's pretty weird and very funny. Also it works.' and another of a dog holding a pillow in its mouth 'Dog - This is Zoey's pillow. If she likes you, she'll bring you the pillow. You can't touch it, but you can look'

Spreading Positivity With Uplifting Doggo Memes

Happy puppers = happy us
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