
20 photos of cats with musical instruments | Thumbnail includes photo of a cat playing guitar and a cat playing the tuba

Meowsic to my Ears: 20 Silly Musical Cat’s Who Know Where the Hip, the Hap, the Music At

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats kneading | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman playing a guitar next to a cat

Cats Are The Best Bread Makers: A Song All About Kneading (Video)

1 video of musicians, dancing, and a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Cat, instruments, and dancing'

Celebrate The 2 Year Anniversary Of This Famous Music Video Featuring The Most Iconic Canadian Cat On The Internet

original ICanHasCheezburger song about being thankful to cat sitters | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman playing the guitar next to a cat

A Song Of Gratitude For All The Amazing Cat-Sitters Out There (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cat loaves | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman holding a guitar next to a cat

A Song Dedicated To All The Freshly Baked Cat Loaves (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats and winter | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman playing a guitar next to a cat

The House Cat Blues Song For Cats Who Are Feeling The Winter Snooze (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about how a cat experiences new years | thumbnail includes one image of a woman playing a guitar next to a cat

What New Year's Eve Is Like For Cats (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats going to the veterinarian | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman playing the guitar with a cat next to her

Going To The Vet, As Told From A Cat's Perspective (Video)

original icanhascheezburger song about bodega cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

A Tribute Song To All The Adorable Bodega Cats Out There (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger thanksgiving song about being thankful to your cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

Right In Time For Thanksgiving, Saying Thank You To Our Cats In The Form Of A Sweet Song (Video)

video of man playing guitar for cats | thumbnail image of cat placing it's paw on guitar

Playing Guitar For All The Local Cats To Hear And Enjoy Amidst Pastoral Goodness (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about black cats for Halloween | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and headbutting a cat

The Black Cat Halloween Song: Giving Love To Our Beautiful Voids (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats who bite their humans to show them love | thumbnail includes an image of a woman holding a guitar and singing with a cat next to her

Love Hurts: Cats Who Bite To Show Affection To Their Humans (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about a cat who has crushes on boys | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat sitting next to her

Boy Crazy: When Your Cat Unexpectedly Starts Crushing On Every Man In The Neighborhood (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about a cat inheriting thirteen million from its owner | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to them

Tommaso The Cat Who Inherited 13 Million From His Owner And Became A Meow-llionnaire (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about Egyptian cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman with a guitar petting a cat

Egyptian Cat: Cats Nowadays Are Simply Not Spoiled Enough (Video)

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