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Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

19 memes of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Organism - This cat standing on a window sill This cat looks like it is telling it's friends that "One does not simply walk into Mordor"' and 'Nose'

19 Cats In Lord Of The Rings: The Purrfect Fantasy Feline Crossover We Didn't Know We Needed

We need more cats making Legolas faces
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lord of the rings characters reimagined as dogs - thumbnail of saruman and a white dog with long hair

Twitter User Re-Imagines 'Lord Of The Rings' Characters As Dogs

Because why not
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hobbit mice photographer shire hobbiton lord of the rings enchanting photographer beautiful art | charming adorable hobbit hall shire with a round door like in the baggins house and grass growing on the roof

Wildlife Photographer Creates Miniature Hobbiton For Family Of Mice

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Lord of the Rings funny cats cat videos Cats animal video animals - 99875585

Purr-Fect "Lord Of The Rings" Parody Featuring a Cat

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I'd like to press the doorbell, but he's Bored Of The Rings

meme of black cats
Created by catsuberalles
gandalf pics

This Photographer Traveled Around New Zealand Taking Majestic Photos Dressed as Gandalf

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At dawn, Look to the East

Lord of the Rings beetle frog - 8588322816
See all captions Created by lummox

You're In for a Difficult Journey

dogs funny lord of the rings You're In for a Difficult Journey
Via ConorButton

A Pug Arrives Precisely When He Means To

cute dogs halloween A Pug Arrives Precisely When He Means To
Via root_su

Catdalf vs. Balgog

Battle cat enemy gandalf Hall of Fame Image kitten labrador Lord of the Rings quote voting-page - 4518829056
See all captions Created by OneSkunkTodd
Lord of the Rings The Hobbit Cats - 67244545

Tolkien Superfan Gets A Hobbit-Hole Litter Box and Tower of Sauron Scratching Post

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Join Me and We Shall Conquer All Felines

Lord of the Rings - 8250139136
Via Dump a Day

Goat-dalf the White

Lord of the Rings goats wizards - 7983499520

He Likes Casting Sleeping Spells...on Himself

Cats Lord of the Rings funny puns gandalf wizard - 7933204736

Gandalf, the Grey...Cat

quotes Lord of the Rings gandalf Cats - 7840539904

Oh God, He's Touching Me!

Lord of the Rings Cats web comics - 7170570752
Via Lunar Baboon
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