I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


15 text based reddit images favorite dog qualities | thumbnail "Resting_Fartface · 2d Mini Poodle Cuddle jail. Usually in the morning after taking my dog outside and feeding him, I sit down, have a coffee and watch the news before starting work. He usually curls up in my lap, which obviously means I can't move until he's done. I have actually texted my boss to let him know l'm going to be late because l'm still in cuddle jail. Blessedly, my boss is fine with this! "

Reddit Users Share Favorite Things About Their Dogs To Spread Pawsitivity

Say no to sadness, say yes to doggos
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30 dog memes | thumbnail left dog meme three images " When someone compliments you and you don't know how to act" thumbnail right " "Our next guest will be speaking about tennis balls and why u shouldn't fake throw""

Nothin But Doggos: 30 Mood Lifting Memes For A Better Day

Doggo vibes only
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news item about a dog who saved koalas | thumbnail includes two adorable photos of the service dogs

Heroic Doggo That Saved Koalas Receives Award

The bestest boy!
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22 dog memes | thumbnail left "beware of the dogs, the dogs" picture of friendly looking dogs, thumbnail right "- When you haven't washed your hair all week and need to get creative" four images of dog with different hairstyles

Hefty Helping Of Canine Humor

Doggo Memes Galore
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tumblr thread about giving pets pills in funny ways | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - beaft Follow my cat hates taking his pills. the only way we can get him to eat them is to turn it into an elaborate pantomime - we take the packet out of the cupboard slowly and hold it up, saying "oh!! what's this? what's this? a TREAT? a TREAT for louis????" while making surprised faces. we offer him a pill... then, before he has a chance to sniff it, we wag our fingers at him and replace it'

Tumblr Thread: Tricking Pets Into Taking Pills In Ridiculous Ways

You gotta do whatchu gotta do.
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 funny animal related twitter thread | thumbnail is a photo of a small dog and the text 'the rule should be that she can't get a dog smaller than the largest rat she's seen in NYC'

Twitter Thread: Casey Neistat Wants This Exact Dog

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22 images of animal squads that look like album covers | thumbnail left moose and cattle squad, thumbnail right squad of pigeons looking at camera looking tough

22 Animal Squads That Look Like They’re About To Drop A Bangin' Mixtape

New music on deck
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reddit thread about a woman taking photos of her dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'Am I the asshole for getting professional photos taken with my dog?'

Reddit Thread: Woman Gets Teased For Doing A Professional Photoshoot With Her Dog

It's A Ruff Life.
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5 dog videos from instagram funny | thumbnail left dog tik tok "want to see dexter's silly hats" thumbnail right dog with colorful hat fan on top

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Rufferific canine humor
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a list of photos and stories about animals getting adopted and the before and after photos | thumbnail is two before and after photos of an adopted pup

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups (November 2, 2021)

These pets are living their best lives!
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funny twitter thread with memes about how dogs and cats act when petted | thumbnail includes two tweets with text saying 'cats when you pet them too long' 'dogs when you stop petting them because you have to go to work'

Amusing Twitter Thread: Cats Versus Dogs Being Petted

The battle is on.
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Twitter thread about adorable old dogs| thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'Sometimes I just lie down on my walk so we don't have to go home yet and I can spend more time with you'

Twitter Thread: Seriously Cute Senior Doggos

Old Pets Rock <3
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funny pet habits | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a sponge in its mouth and one Facebook comment 'Product - Merissa Bookman She used to love stealing the sponges. Sometimes l'd wake up with a sponge in the bed with me D 40 Like · Reply · Message 6d'

Awwdorably Funny Pet Habits: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Such ridiculous little cuties <3
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photos of animals lying down flat on the ground like pancakes | thumbnail includes two photos of rabbits and elephant seals lying like this

Awwdorable Animals Lying Flat On The Ground Like Squishy Pancakes

Flat as a pancake!
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13 images and video of popeye the foodie dog | thumbnail left and right small white dog sitting before large decadent meals

Popeye The Foodie Pup Charms Social Media With Decadent Meals

The most adorable foodie we ever did see
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13 text based images discussion lab worker dog names | thumbnail text "Hahaha this is amazing. Do you have a favourite one so far? Or a top 3? G Reply 1 33 ms_boogie OP • 1d Hmmm I don't wanna give away too many names because they get specific and we do want to protect our clients - but I did get to enter a swab for a lil guy named Peanut Butter Butthole. I hope that dog has a happy, long life. I think about it constantly now. "

Lab Worker Inundated Daily With Funny Dog Names: Requests To Keep 'Em Coming

The sillier the better
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