
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

Curious Wild Deer Approaches Lounging Orange Cat Attempting to Intimidate with Stompies, Hissterical Cat DGAF, Goes Viral

Curious Wild Deer Approaches Lounging Orange Cat Attempting to Intimidate with Stompies, Hissterical Cat DGAF, Goes Viral

video highlighting rare baby deer | thumbnail image of baby deer close up portrait sticking his tongue out

Rare Baby Deer's Birth Delights Zookeepers (Video)

Cute Trend on TikTok has the Most Adorable Animals Singing "Yaaa Trick Yaaa"

"Yaaa Trick Yaaa" Trend is Exposing the Most Adorable Side to Animal TikTok

viral thread about deer being cool animals and getting their antlers stuck in things | thumbnail includes a photo of a deer with something stuck in its antlers 'In winter Deer are less active to conserve energy. In the spring they explore further and will often come into contact with humans. Dominic is going for a walk around the neighbourhood. There is nothing stuck in Dominic's antlers. Nothing at all jonjohnjonjohn'

Deer Are Pretty Neat And Their Antlers Definitely Never Get Stuck In Anything (Viral Thread)

a bunch of photoshopped deer pictures | thumbnail includes two photoshopped pictures of deer

Darling Deer Looking For A Snack: Creative Remixes

video of deer in church | thumbnail church interior with deer highlighted

Deer Lord: Buck Busts Into Church (Video)

a list of reindeer gifs for christmas | thumbnail includes a photo of a man riding a reindeer and a photo of a reindeer under the northern lights

Majestic Reindeer Gifs Because Christmas Is In 28 Days

video about a 700 pound moose being rescued from train tracks | thumbnail includes two photos, left photo is moose being airlifted and right the is the moose standing

People Rescue 700-Pound Moose From Railroad Tracks

video about a deer becoming friends with a cat | thumbnail includes three photos of a deer with a kitten

Awwdorable Deer is Besties With Smol Kitten (Video)

video of man and baby deer in hurricane | thumbnail left deer and dog, thumbnail right deer in kayak

Baby Deer Swims To Man For Help During Hurricane Ida (Video)

viral tweets about Finland attempting to save reindeer by painting their antlers | thumbnail includes two pictures of reindeer with painted antlers and a tweet 'Light - Cullen Dudas ... @cullend TIL in Finland they use to have about 4,000 reindeer/ car accidents a year so they paint their antlers with reflective paint and this is vaguely terrifying macl 1:09 AM · Jul 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 49.9K Retweets 5,300 Quote Tweets 322.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Finland Attempts To Save Reindeer Using Reflective Paint

video of fawns released into wild | thumbnail two fawns cuddling

Sweet Little Fawns Released Into Wild: Awwdorable Reaction

9 images 2 text screenshots and 1 video of fawn and deer | thumbnail left fawn in nature, thumbnail right mom deer with two baby fawn

Abandoned Fawn Or Just Relaxing While Mom Run Errands (Video)

10 images of doe giving birth and reddit comments | thumbnail picture of mom doe with baby deer, with caption from reddit title

Oh Deer: Doe Gives Birth To Twins In Family's Backyard

11 photos of beautiful deer

11 Beautiful Photos of Deer For Your Enjoyment

photography of woodland animals

Woodland Animals Straight from a Fairy Tale (12 Photos)

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