
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

24 Flirty Feline Funnies From Indoor Orange Cat Child Obsessed Reality Dating Shows | thumbnail includes one image which shows two cats lying down looking at the camera ‘I think I saw you on Spotify’ ‘You were listed as the hottest single’

24 Flirty Feline Funnies From the Indoor Orange Cat Child Obsessed With Reality Dating Shows

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‘Her middle name should be Jolene': Woman Adopts Stray Street Cat Who Falls Head-Over-Heels In Love with Her Husband, Hissterical Comments Ensue

21 Cat Lover Memes Romeow and Mewliet Would Love

21 Cat Lover Memes Romeow and Mewliet Would Love

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A Wholesome Heart Full of Romeowntic Relationship Cat Memes in the Form of Loving Feline Funnies

‘Player’ Cat Tries to Woo the Feral Cat of the Household with Moves like Pepé Le Pew But Gets Denied, Goes Viral

‘Player’ Cat Tries to Woo the Formerly Feral Cat of the Household with Moves like Pepé Le Pew But Gets Denied, Goes Viral

Stray Cat Crashes a Wedding and Interrupts the Vows with Her Loud Meows, So the Newly Weds Adopt Her and Name Her Daisy

Stray Cat Crashes a Wedding and Interrupts the Vows with Her Loud Meows, So the Newly Weds Adopt Her and Name Her Daisy

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Font - Fernadelphia +2. 2 mo. ago My husband also went from being indifferent to cats to a cat fanatic after meeting me. The right person will appreciate you and your cats. 1.4k Reply Share'

Offering Pawsitive Words of Encouragement: Crazy Cat Lady Feels Shamed For Being Single With Her Cats, Internet Comes To Her Rescue In Wholesome Reddit Thread

'How many cats is too many cats to date a woman?':  Redditors debate when multi-cat ownership becomes a red flag in a relationship

'How many cats is too many cats to date a woman?': Redditors debate when multi-cat ownership becomes a red flag in a relationship

19 reddit text images | thumbnail image of two cats laying on bed text " 23 years ago I had to go on a week long trip. I asked my boyfriend if he could stop by to check on my two cats during that time. At very least I was hoping he could replenish food/water and scoop the litter boxes a couple times. I found out later that he was going there every night after work and hanging out with them. We eventually got married, I knew I'd found a keeper. 1"

Frustrated By Her Dates Aversion To Her Cats, Cat Mom Gets Wholesome Reminder That Cat-Loving Men Do Exist

twitter thread about a woman ending a date because her date said that she hates cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ely kreimendahl @ElyKreimendahl the queerest moment of my life was a first date with a cute girl that was going really well until she said “I hate cats" and I was like ohhh and she was like "should we just end this now?" and I was like "ugh. yeah probably" and then we hugged goodbye 3:53 AM - Sep 9, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 10.1K Retweets 1,309 Quote Tweets 258.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: People Choosing Cats As Their Very First Priority, Even When Dating

13 reddit text images discussion woman annoyed with men posting fake dog pics in dating profiles | thumbnail " wish men would stop putting fake dog pictures in their dating profile I'm on Hinge, and I think this is my third in a row click on a guy who has multiple pictures of himself with a dog, who actually doesn't own that dog.THEN, I get to talking, and say what's your dogs name? And they admit that they don't have a dog,"

Doggo Loving Woman Is Fed Up With Men Putting Fake Dog Pictures In Their Dating Profiles

an article about a dating app for cat lovers | thumbnail includes text saying 'ask meowt' and 'find your purrfect person'

There's A Dating App For People Who Love Cats And It's Pretty Cool

16 dog dating profiles | thumbnail left dog with leaf "The first thing people usually notice about me MY LEAF. I spend a lot of time thinking about MY LEAF. DONT LOOK AT MY LEEF. DONT TOUCH MY LEEF. DONT. ITS MY LEAF. IT'S MINE. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT MY LEEF. The six things I could never do without MY LEEF." thumbnail right dog wearing sunglasses "My self-summary cool dog looking for other cool dog to lick my tail from bottom to top."

If Doggos Had Dating Profiles They Would Look Like This

13 text based images surrounding discussion about dating people who don't like dogs | thumbnail "This might sound crazy to some people but I distance myself from people who say they don't like animals. That's fine, but to me it shows you don't have the level of empathy and connection with the world that I want in my friendships/relationship. You aren't required to have an animal, but if you can't understand the connection of humans and animals and you dislike them, we can't be friends. "

A Discussion On Dating People Who Don't Like Dogs: Is It Deal Breaker Or Not

A cover photo for an article about a new dating app specifically for cat lovers and on the photo ot shows a cute cat looking back at the user with the text written across "The cat person's dating app"

The Purrfect Match: New Dating App For Cat Lovers

New Study Finds That Men Who Pose With Cats Are Less Likely To Get a Date | man in a blue button down shirt holding an orange cat and same man posing without the cat

New Study Finds That Men Who Pose With Cats Are Less Likely To Get a Date

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