animal abuse

video of two tigers getting rescued after being held captive for fifteen years and touching grass for the first time | thumbnail includes two pictures including two tigers in a cage and a tiger panting happily outside

After 15 Years Of Being Stuck In Train Car, 2 Abused Tigers Get Rescued And Touch Grass For First Time (Video)

32 photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a photo of a kitten when he was just found and a photo of the same cat a year after laying on a bed healthy 'Lil' Weezy found us in our garage one stormy night, what a difference a year makes.'

Power Of Love: 32 Photos Of Cats Before And After They Were Adopted (June 29, 2022)

31 before and after photos of cats that were adopted into forever homes | Thumbnail includes a photo of a black and white kitten sleeping and another photo of the same black and white cat but grown and healthy

Power Of Love: 31 Before And After Photos Of Cats That Got Adopted Into Forever Homes (June 15, 2022)

An article about a sad cat named Kelvin and his adoption story | Thumbnail includes a cat in a cage, a cat under a table, and a cat in a towel with human

Woman Drives 8 Hours To Adopt Kelvin, The Saddest Cat She's Ever Seen

27 before and after photos of rescued dogs | Thumbnail includes a before photo of a dog in a shelter and an after photo of the same dog but adopted 'The first time we saw him at the shelter vs his first week at home with us'

Power Of Love: 27 Before And After Photos Of Doggos That Got A Second Chance (April 29, 2022)

18 screenshots from a twitter thread about previously abused cats and their insecurities | Thumbnail includes an orange cat laying on the carpet ' I was very very hungry a lot when I was Outside, so I still get worried about there being enough food even here Inside. This is not a food or eating issue. It is a feelings issue, so I learned some things about that...'

POV: Rescued Cat Explains Why They Are The Way They Are

15 screenshots of a reddit thread where a 17 year old shared they reported their neighbors for animal abuse | Thumbnail includes the title and a screenshot from the post 'I just reported my neighbors for dog abuse and I could go to court as a witness. I am only 17, so I am terrified... but I feel I'm doing the right thing. I decided to report this since it isn't the first time I've seen them abuse their dog (though this is the worst.) After calling around several places (SPCA, animal cruelty'

Brave 17-Year-Old Reported Animal Abuse But Is Now Afraid To Go To Court

viral imgur thread about seven wolfhound puppies getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures one of seven wolfhound puppies and another of one wolfhound puppy '"Throwback to when I was taking care of 7 wolfhound cross puppers. These little guys were dumped in the bush, emaciated and scared. They all got adopted and are doing well now!" - RareWolf3'

Taking Care Of And Getting 7 Wolfhound Cross Puppies Adopted

viral thread about a dog who was chained up for a year and a half getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures of a happy dog 'He spent the first year and a half chained up before being rescued. Didn't even have a name. Yesterday he came home with me. Never going to see a chain again. He's a good boy. - poorschmuck'

Dog That Spent Year And A Half Chained Up Gets Rescued (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a cat who was abused by its previous owner getting adopted and going through surgery successfully thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a cast and another of a cat with a cast being hugged '"We weren't sure if his leg was too damaged to repair since the band had been on there for weeks. But his surgery went really well! The surgeon was able to repair his severed Achilles tendon, remove the dead tissue, and piece his leg back together." - thecomfycat'

Abused Cat Gets Adopted And Has Successful Surgery To Fix Broken Leg (Viral Thread)

Story about a dog saving her owner's life from an oncoming car thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog lying on its back and another of a dog in a rescue vest

Previously Abused Dog Saves New Owner, Dragging Her Away From Oncoming Car

tumblr thread about an abused dog getting adopted and learning to bark again thumbnail includes a picture of a dog '"When I got her, she’d been abused and would cower and pee at almost everything, and had been mistreated when she’d barked, so she never would. I had to re-teach her to bark by gathering her whole human pack and having everyone bark and howl and feed her treats and pet her till she got excited enough to join in."'

Tumblr Thread: Dog Previously Mistreated For Barking Learns To Bork Again

Shocking Art Project Aimed At Raising Awareness About Animal Abuse | HEY HUMAN DONT WANT RACE 2019121 drawing illustration of a horse dressed in a horseback riding outfit | HeY HUMAN, WHY TEST 2020 white rat in a hospital gown

"Murder Scene" Is a Shocking Art Project Aimed At Raising Awareness About Animal Abuse

Sad Animal Abuse pitbull pit bull story animals - 6533381

Pit Bull is Saved From Abusive Owner And Does a Full 360 Recovery

Animal Abuse Cats Image win - 6532617984

Show Your Soft Side: Tough Guys Love Animals