Daily Squee Newsletter


Keep still and don't move, your camouflage is perfect. Now dive in a puddle of mud throw some sticks and leaves on yourself, and you're ready to be hidden. Check out these shady and well-hidden jokes and their meanings.


acting like animals camouflage changing color colors landing metaphor octopus swimming - 4427756544

Camouflage Cuddles

asleep blending in camouflage color cuddles cuddling nap napping resemblance sloth stuffed animal - 5814580992
Via Snuh

The Cutest Camouflage

blending in camouflage color cutest fur Hall of Fame snow weasel white - 5660232704
Via LLBwwb

Camouflage Cuteness Level 100

cute otters camouflage leaves - 8043271936

Squee Spree: Can You See Me?

blainvilles-horned-lizar camouflage coast horned lizard hidden rocks squee spree - 5907812608
Via Geo Jeff

Suspiciously Cute Snowball

squee seal snowball snow baby pup camouflage - 4128598784
Created by DyannLynn

Camouflage Derp

camouflage antlers caribou squee derp - 6795533312

Owl, Where are You?

camouflage Owl sky snow tree - 5934684416
Via 123Zero

Tree Froggie

green camouflage tree frog squee frog - 6639638016
Via José Gieskes

The Common Patoo is One Cute Master of Camouflage

disguise birds videos camouflage - 8030276608

Matchstick Chameleon

chameleons camouflage squee - 6788561664
Via Joern Koehler

Snow Weasel

camouflage nose pink snow weasel whiskers - 4330532352
Created by mamagaea

Ninja KItten in Training: Blending Into Your Surroundings

cute baby animals ninja kitten in training
Via damonkashu


acting like animals camouflage comparison FAIL giraffes stealth sticking out subtlety - 4350110208

Reader Squee: Epic Camouflage Skills

reader squee pets camouflage Cats squee - 7055808512
Created by aurora6853


acting like animals blending in camouflage coloration Hall of Fame hiding Owl pun puns tree - 5353118208
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