Daily Squee Newsletter


Keep still and don't move, your camouflage is perfect. Now dive in a puddle of mud throw some sticks and leaves on yourself, and you're ready to be hidden. Check out these shady and well-hidden jokes and their meanings.


acting like animals blending in camouflage FAIL Flower frog Predator realization - 4195738624

Camo Buddies

buddies butterfly camouflage chameleon lizard - 6348432896
Created by sixonefive72


armadillo baby camouflage close up conclusion fuzzy pun squee spree - 5448896512

Squee Spree: Can You See Me?

blainvilles-horned-lizar camouflage coast horned lizard hidden rocks squee spree - 5907812608
Via Geo Jeff

Camo in the City

cute camouflage owls - 8025975040
Created by Chris10a


bug camouflage FAIL - 3771702272

The Common Patoo is One Cute Master of Camouflage

disguise birds videos camouflage - 8030276608

Snow Weasel

camouflage nose pink snow weasel whiskers - 4330532352
Created by mamagaea


acting like animals camouflage changing color colors landing metaphor octopus swimming - 4427756544

Matchstick Chameleon

chameleons camouflage squee - 6788561664
Via Joern Koehler

Ninja KItten in Training: Blending Into Your Surroundings

cute baby animals ninja kitten in training
Via damonkashu

Itty Bitty Jackal Pup

camouflage grass puppy - 5988070144
Created by Unknown

Camouflage Cuddles

asleep blending in camouflage color cuddles cuddling nap napping resemblance sloth stuffed animal - 5814580992
Via Snuh

Camouflage Cuteness Level 100

cute otters camouflage leaves - 8043271936


acting like animals amazing blending in camouflage colors Flower mantis praying mantis pretty - 4197323520

Bunday: Winter Camouflage

Bunday camouflage snow winter rabbit bunny squee - 6773143040
Via Ilya Naymushin
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