Animal Gifs Newsletter


Take the stairs, not the elevator. Great for your health, and for a makeshift workout when you're stuck at home, just make sure to take them one at a time, you wouldn't want to trip over some of these multi-leveled puns.

He Was There for a Few Hours

bite frisbee gifs hold stairs stuck - 6368484864

When Laziness is Most Effective

gifs stairs slide - 8106551296


climb gifs daschund stairs - 7016423168

Such Grace! Such Finesse!

gifs FAIL stairs trip Cats clumsy fall - 6846843904

Hup Hup Hup Hup!

gifs stairs pugs funny - 8296045056
Created by anselmbe

This Stair Master has One Setting: Cute

Cats cute gifs stairs - 8099765248
Created by beernbiccies

The Stair Master

hamster gifs stairs climb - 6683890176

Route to Upstairs

mindwarp gifs stairs Cats - 8541180160
Created by Unknown

Toucan Takes The Stairs

birds gifs stairs - 8176248832
Via Because Birds

Hoppin' Up the Stairs for a Bunday Treat

Bunday stairs cute treat - 7712676096
Via Tumblr


gifs slide hang stairs talent Cats trick - 6991329792

You Could Have Just...Walked

cat fall stairs weird - 5715245824

Will Christmas Ever Come?!

Cats gifs lazy funny stairs - 7957012736
Created by beernbiccies

The Stair Master

gifs climb stairs hamster small - 6865987584

Have You Ever Felt so Lazy You Just Slid Down the Stairs?

lazy stairs funny - 7675609088

You Can Do It!

jump stairs ducklings cute - 7472596480
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