Animal Gifs Newsletter


Demanding Monkey

gifs head monkey pet scratch want - 6297559552

Feels Good, Man

baby cub gifs polar bear rub scratch - 6450333184

Itty Bitty Roo

gifs kangaroo scratch wallaby - 6578239488

Dat Spot

scratch gifs pet scritch spot Feels Good Man - 6659237632

Who Knew These Things Had a Built-in Scratching Feature?

scratch birds gifs feathers - 8090965248
Created by beernbiccies

That Means I Like It

ears koala scratch tickle - 5685633792


Awkward Owl pet scratch - 6307873024

Sniffly Hedgy

gifs hedgehog pet scratch scritch - 6631301632

Parrot Lurve

bird birds Feels Good Man gifs love parrot parrots pet scratch tumblr - 6137947392

Kangaroo Rubs

Feels Good Man friends kangaroo pet scratch wallaby - 6551894784

That's Just About Enough of That

Cats gifs funny pet scratch - 7929879296

You Scratch My Back...

friends help pet relax scratch - 6554095360
Created by funkybash

Ponies are Just Giant Dogs

Feels Good Man gifs horse pony scratch scritch - 6602597120


scratch attack kissing Cats funny - 8069214464
Created by beernbiccies

Why Don't You Understand Me!?

claws climb gifs leg kitten scratch - 7897091840
Created by ani.s4 ( Via )

Scratch Dat Butt

Funny GIF of a panda bear scratching his butt up against a big tree stump.
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