Animal Gifs Newsletter


Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

Tomcat With Ninja Skills

GIF of a tom cat casually approach and jump over a fence like a little ninja.
Created by Snake73

Goat Thrashes Hard

critters gifs jumping goats - 8240558592


box boxes cat Cats chihuahua FAIL gifs jump jumping - 6346070528

Lemur Leap of Faith

gifs lemurs critters cute jumping - 8499538176

Just Playing Catch Your Tail

gifs kitties tails Cats jumping - 7347485696
Via Youtube

Cat Plays The Lava Game

GIF of a cat jumping playing that game where the floor is lava
Via Senor GIF

The Magic Touch

gif of man touching a kitten and startling it
Via tumblr

Jump Roping Horse

gif of a horse jumping rope with a rider
Via Reddit | animals being derps

Sorry, I'm Off to My Home Planet

gifs Cats jumping - 8458025728
Created by Snake73


gifs couches Cats jumping - 7278099968
Created by emeadow

Pops Like a Weasel

gifs Cats jumping - 8446079744
Created by anselmbe

Mikhail Baryshnikat

dancing gifs Cats jumping - 8571913728
Created by Philippa2

I Choose You! SKWERL!

catch cute gifs hands jumping Pokémon run running squirrel squirrels toss - 6123953408

Corgi to the Rescue

gifs water cute corgis jumping - 8441162752
Created by anselmbe

This Scared Me at First

wtf gifs jumping - 8380895744

Mission Impossible

gifs Cats jumping - 8445121024
Created by chianty
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