Animal Comedy Newsletter


32 pictures of animals stuck in things | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog butt in the middle of a couch and one picture of a dog on top of a rumba with brown streaks on the floor

32 Animals Caught In Seriously Silly Situations To Start Your Sunday With A Smile

Taking silliness to the max
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21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - AITA for putting a bag of dog poop in a stranger's trash can?', 'Font - A man mowing his lawn at the house next door (it was not his trash can) went off. He ran over and yelled at my wife: "You're disgusting. You can't do that. Why would you put your dog's waste (his term) in someone else's can." She said: "it is a garbage can. People put nasty things in garbage cans. That's what they're for." He harassed her until'

Doo-Doo Dilemma: Neighbor Yells At Man For Dumping His Dog's Doody In Stranger's Trashcan Leading To A Smelly Situation In New AITA Reddit Thread

It's a fecal fiasco
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