Animal Comedy Newsletter


18 pictures of giraffes and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Giraffidae - 201', 'Giraffidae', and 'Font - the_d00m_song. 7 hr. ago The sneakiest giraffe ever; he can't be spotted.'

The World's First-Ever Spotless Giraffe Calf Was Born Recently In A Tennessee Zoo And It Looks Like A Toasted Marshmallow (Pics & Comments)

Spot on, good chap
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But Why Would You Put Marshmallows on Him?

marshmallows captions hedgehog funny - 8572491776
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Who Wants to Have a Bonfire? I'll Bring the Marshmallows!

cute hedgehog image Who Wants to Have a Bonfire? I'll Bring the Marshmallows!
Via AmandlaAwethu

To the Land of Cocoa, of Course!

animals Cats halp I Can Has Cheezburger marshmallows questions where am i - 5264478464
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