Animal Comedy Newsletter

true love

39 Howlarious Dog Memes To Help You Laugh Your Way Through The Weekend

39 Howlarious Dog Memes To Help You Laugh Your Way Through The Weekend

Laugh your way to the weekend with these memes!
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dogs puppy dog memes puppies affection doggo cuddles love true love - 21771525

31 Heartwarming Memes of Doggos Desperate For Love, Cuddles, and Affection

Here's your reminder to give your pup some love.
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dogs cute dogs dog memes love memes love story doggo funny dogs love true love - 21496069

30 Heartwarming Dog Memes to Remind You That True Love Exists (July 23, 2023)

Dogs often know how to show love better than humans!
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20 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Fawn - 压', 'Photograph', 'Smile - Rare dotted zebra foal. The eye-catching animal, seen in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve, likely has a genetic mutation called pseudomelanism.', and 'Font - The bush dog is a stocky canid with a bear-like face that lives near water in Central and South America. It has partially webbed feet, keeping it from sinking into mud and assisting it in swimming and diving. Don't be fooled by'

20 Cute Animals And Unique Facts About Them To Help You Break The Ice On Your Next Date

We're not saying true love is at stake, but we're not not saying it...
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28 pictures of capybaras, humans, and text and one video of capybaras and humans | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Water - TikTok @agenor.tupinamba', 'Hairstyle - TikTok @agenor.tupinamba', 'Water - TikTok @agenor.tupinamba', and one comment including 'Font - newt. 133 bro living the dream'

Viral TikTok with 80.7 Million Views Shows Us That Capybaras Are The Newest Man's Best Friend And We Need One Right Now (Pictures & Video)

The cuteness level is just too high
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23 pictures and comments of people and dogs, 1 video of people kissing dogs | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog - Kiss your dog and then stop to see their reaction J', 'Dog - Kiss your dog and then stop to see their reaction 1', 'Dog - Kiss your dog and then stop to see their reaction' and two comments including 'Font - craigbrandonstephenson God bless the owner of the last dog for keeping that sweet Angel happy.' and 'Font - kesewahh So darn cute++ Had me smiling hard throughout'

Incredibly Wholesome Trend Of Owners Kissing Their Pets And Filming Their Honest Reaction Goes Viral And Gives Us All The Feels (Pictures and Video)

Wait until you see the last doggo :'(
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1 video of a man adopting a dog | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Man and dog' and 'man and dog in snow' and one comment including 'Jetdoggomom: He's absolutely beautiful. Love the live you have with him. Cherish it!'

Puppy Love Heals A Broken Heart: Man Adopts German Shepard Puppy And Finds Love Again

True love comes in many forms <3
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