Animal Comedy Newsletter

litter box

9 Reddit text images and one picture of a white cat wearing a tie sitting on a toilet | thumbnail features side by side images, on the left is a couple arguing with the woman in a white shirt on the left and a guy with a black shirt on the right, on the right side is a picture of two cats staring at a fancy letterbox inside a bathroom, text reads "AITA for not wanting to train my cat to use the litter box instead of the toilet because my boyfriend doesn't like it? / Not the A-hole"

Entitled Boyfriend Has Toilet Envy For Girlfriend's Cat

Flush That Man, Sister
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By the Way, the Litter Box Needs Cleaning

jerk litter box Cats - 8372130048
See all captions Created by worksucks

Wait'll She Sees the Litter Box!

kangaroo toilet paper litter box Cats funny - 7562683648
See all captions Created by Philippa2

It's Becoming Sentient!

clean poop ferrets litter box - 7087420416
See all captions Created by MirageBD

You'd Better Get To It

clean snow leopards angry litter box - 7051375616
See all captions Created by onefinekitty

This Ought to Drive the Conspiracy-Theory Nuts CRAZY

cat confused conspiracy litter box poop shocked stealing stolen wtf - 5386186496
Via Cats Being D**ks