Animal Comedy Newsletter


collection of introverted funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a man walking a duck 'spasigomecom PARAGON www TOLE $1.50 MONIVE A man with two dogs in his pockets, walking a duck wearing shoes' and a guinea pig in bed 'Me: "when I get home I'm going to be so productive, do all my work, and get my life together" Me when I get home: SP'

Introverted Feline Memes For All The Grumpy Cats Who Just Want To Nap All Day Long

Memes and naps
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animal animals animal-memes dopamine serotonin mood-boosting mood animal-memes adorable cute wholesome relatable cuteness dogs cats heartwarming introvert introverts introverted

A Hearty Helping of Animal Meme Soup for the Introverted Soul

35 Introverted animal memes to replenish your social battery
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15 animal memes for people who love to be at home with their pets instead of going out | Thumbnail includes a picture of 5 raccoons sitting on a brown and purple couch and a picture of a possum wearing a blue and white robe 'Should I deal with my glaring emotional issues or should I just keep filling my house with more raccoons? Me all ready for another exciting day in the living room'

15 Relatable Animal Memes For People Who Don't Have Any Particular Plans For The Weekend Except For Chilling With Their Pets

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