Animal Comedy Newsletter


viral twitter thread about what today's animals would look like if we treated them like we treat extinct animals | thumbnail includes one picture of a shrink-wrapped rhinoceros and one tweet 'Paleo artists often "shrink wrap" fossilized animal depictions The T-Rex, Utahraptor, Triceratops-popular depictions of each of these animals shows skin so close to bone that it might be unrealistic So let's shrink-wrap existing animals] Can you guess what this is?'

Fascinating Thread Of 'Shrink-Wrapped' Animals To Remind You Just How Little We Know About What Extinct Animals Actually Look Like

You would never guess what these animals are based on their 'shrink-wrapped' forms
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12 pictures of birds and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Sky' and 'Font - corvid_americanna_ THEYRE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD'

Scientists Find Evidence Of Oversized Eagles With 10-Foot Wingspan In Australia, Like The Ones From 'Lord Of The Rings', Cue Funny Comments and Cool Facts

Keep your Hobbits indoors
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15 pictures of chameleons and text and 1 video of chameleons | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Plant', 'Plant', and 'Font - PlantsAndBeetles 5 hr. ago Could you imagine if humans popped out like that. Your mother is at work and she gives birth to you and as soon as you're born, you just start working and that's how employers get new employees.'

Amazing Video Of A Chameleon Giving Live Birth Shows That Baby Animals Learn In 10 Seconds What It Takes Humans 2 Years To Learn

The good ol' plop and drop
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Throwback Thursdays: 30+ Best Advice Animal Memes Are Actually Helpful (And Hilarious)

Vintage, and helpful!
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20 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Fawn - 压', 'Photograph', 'Smile - Rare dotted zebra foal. The eye-catching animal, seen in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve, likely has a genetic mutation called pseudomelanism.', and 'Font - The bush dog is a stocky canid with a bear-like face that lives near water in Central and South America. It has partially webbed feet, keeping it from sinking into mud and assisting it in swimming and diving. Don't be fooled by'

20 Cute Animals And Unique Facts About Them To Help You Break The Ice On Your Next Date

We're not saying true love is at stake, but we're not not saying it...
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20 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes 5 pictures including 'Font - What's an animal that is not as dangerous as people think?', 'Plant community', 'Vertebrate', 'Human body - Neltrix 9 days ago Stingrays. They usually swim away from you. That mf that killed Steve Irwin was huge and was probably having a bad day and attacked.', and 'Font - TheClayroo 9 days ago Cheetahs. Don't run. They are skittish. They don't expect the prey not to run. No documented case of a cheetah attacking a human '

Reddit Explains 20 Animals That Are Not As Dangerous As Everyone Thinks

Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!
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14 pictures of Saiga antelopes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head' and 'Fawn'

This Animal Looks Like It's Straight Out Of A Star Wars Movie, And It's Critically Endangered (14 Images)

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30 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - What the bloody hell is AN OWL • An Owl is a Pigeon filled with anger and knowledge. Basically a violent balloon covered in feathers. • An Owl's natural predators are hurricanes and wizards. • Owls live for 300 years if they don't die first. Dave' and 'Dog - PUG FACTS • Unreliable taxi drivers • Laser eyes (up until 1989) • Immune to fancy dress Basically a normal dog that got shot into a wall or something • Breathe like Dar'

"What In The Bloody Hell Is That?!" - 30 Cheeky Animal Anecdotes To Read Through Instead Of Finishing The Workday

Seriously silly animal facts are better than work emails
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20 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - Quick animal fact #38 Less than 5% of ducks have attempted world domination' and 'Arthropod - Quick animal fact #19: Most flies don't even get paid to be annoying. They just do it for fun'

20 Completely Reliable Animal Tweets That Are Not At All Satire

100% factual, completely reliable
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10 pictures of snails | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Organism - ANIMALS Meet The Bizarre Sea Snail That Builds Its Own Iron Suit Of Armor'

The Volcano Snail, The Only Thing Harder To Crush Than Elon Musk's Ego

Snailed it
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collection of funny and educational animal facts | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna with its tongue out and a bubble on its nose 'While many animals pant or sweat to cool down, it turns out Echidnas instead opt to blow snot bubbles and perform bellyflops u/DeeThreeTimesThree'

18 Fascinating, Funny And Awwducational Facts About Animals

Make you smile, ooh, and aww at the same time
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18 pictures of dogs and comments | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog - G CO', 'Water - REA 1', 'Font - DAMI @DrHalima_ A Thread of Smart dogs you should own. :'

Thinking Of Getting A Dog? This Twitter Thread Explains The Personalities And Advantages Of Certain Breeds (18 Pictures)

We want them all!
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10 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Earless seal' and 'Dog' and one comment including 'Font - "Aww, they can't be that deadly".'

10 Extremely Huggable Animals That We Cannot Hug Due To Their Nature (And Why)

Maybe....just a little hug? A little squeeze? A tiny pinch?
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18 pictures and comments about cats and one video of cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat - Random things you'll only see in households with cats, 'Table - Cardboard in various stages of destruction', 'Rectangle - Don't ask' and one comment including 'Font - princeharry_ladydarcy Definitely asking about the kitchen towel on the floor'

Surprising Objects Found In The Depths Of A Cat Owner's Home

The paper towels though?
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21 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Dog' and one comment including 'Could be worse, could be a Pug. -they look radically different from the early 20th century, and not for the better.'

You Won't Believe These Before Pictures: 21 Dog Breeds 100 Years Ago Vs. Today

The poodle is giving braids for days!
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10 pictures and videos of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Reptile' and one comment including 'highlysensitive2121: 4 days ago No one believes that girl now when she says she rode and alligator as a little girl. "sure you did Grandma.."'

Your Monthly Rundown Of Interesting AF Animal News

Consume some facts so you feel like you did something productive today.
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