Animal Comedy Newsletter


6 pictures of crabs in an outdoor picnic and 22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of crabs in a backyard picnic

Swarm of Unhinged Robber Crabs Invade Family's Barbecue, Remain Bizzarely Unbothered, and Turn Backyard Bash Into a Crustacean Carnival

Only in Australia
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14 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for hating a puppy' and 'Font - We are semi near a walking path. Next thing I know there is a pair of puppy's coming right at us. They are unleashed, and their owner is just standing on the walking path looking at them running toward us. I didn't notice them until they were pretty much on our blanket. At that point I picked up my son and yelled WTF to the guy. He looked appalled that I didn't enjoy the stunt his dogs'

AITA: Vicious Puppies Charge At Anti-Dog Daddy’s Baby At Park, Wild Overreaction Ensues, He Explodes at Puppy Owners, Internet Roasts Them Together Like An Afternoon BBQ

The drama is fresh off the grill, hot and spicy
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It Better Be Vegetarian!

cow bbq - 8485122304
See all captions Created by DJAussie

Sacrifice the Pie and Save the Cheezburgers!

scumbag nope bbq - 7776657152
Created by heyman

Today is His Lucky Day

animals barbecue bbq eat food Harry Potter noms - 5683904256
Via the considerable illiterate