Animal Gifs Newsletter


Betwixt the Sheets

bed cat crawl weird wtf - 6040524288

We Have No Idea What's Going on Here, But It is Very Spiritual and Definitely Involves Opossums

gifs wtf possum squirrel weird - 7038824960

Hovercats: Engage!

ball cat float fly legs weird wtf - 6184074752


gifs wtf Cats weird - 7039446016

1,2,3...Cha, Cha, Cha

GIF of a cat standing on 2 legs and moon-walking the cha-cha

The Prairie Dog Salute

Cute GIF of two Prairie dogs doing their salute.

I So Thirsty!!

drinking gifs water goats thirsty funny weird - 8072551936

When Your Date Uses Too Much Tongue

nature gifs tongue kissing lizard weird - 8259565568
Via Google

Platypus Waddle

derp gifs grass Hall of Fame run waddle weird wtf - 6396557568

Sausage Arms

arms chase gifs weird wtf - 6074515968


aquarium tired water weird wtf yawn - 5873011968

Owlies Wobble But They Dont' Fall Down

eyes gifs move Owl owls shake stare weird - 6013117952
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